
mediate adj.1.〔罕用語〕中間的。2.要靠媒介的;間接的。短...


P21 is a key target of pkc - mediated cell cycle modulation P21蛋白可在g1和g2 m兩個調控點上對細胞周期進行調控。

Role of mapk and pi3k pathways in hepatocyte growth factor - mediated anti - apoptosis 介導肝干細胞抗凋亡調控中的作用

Sonication - assisted agrobacterium - mediated transformation of cucumber 超聲波輔助發根農桿菌對黃瓜遺傳轉化的影響

Genetic analysis of rna - mediated virus resistance in transgenic tobacco 介導的病毒抗性在轉基因煙草中的遺傳分析

Computer - mediated communication cm 計算機媒介溝通

The property and effectiveness of mediating agreement for labor disputation 試論勞動爭議調解協議的性質和效力

Agrobacterium - mediated transformation of citrus embryoids and mature shoots 根癌農桿菌介導的柑桔遺傳轉化技術

Establishment of agrobacterium - mediated transformation in phalaenopsis 農桿菌介導的蝴蝶蘭基因轉化系統的建立

The transition from g2 / m phase is also mediated by cdk ( s ) G1期開始合成,并逐漸增多,在g2期末達到最高量。

Effect of anatoxin - a on calcium - mediate signal system of brain tissue in mice 對小鼠腦內鈣調信號系統的影響

Mediate variable researches on the achievement goal orientation theory 成就目標定向理論中的中介變量研究

Computer - mediated communication and its impact on international relations 網絡傳播及其對國際關系的影響

Effect of ca2 - almodulin on contraction of m3r - mediated detrusor muscle cell 介導逼尿肌細胞收縮中的作用

Study on agrobacterium - mediated gus transformation for lolium perenne l 基因對多年生黑麥草轉化的研究

Ultrasound - microbubble - mediated target therapy for renal disease 超聲微泡介導靶向治療在腎臟病中的作用

Mediate a labor - management dispute 調停一勞動管理上的爭端

Goal orientation and adjustment : the mediating role of social self - efficacy 社會自我效能感的中介作用

Brain adenosine mediates interleukin - 1 - induced behavioral depression in rats 引起的大鼠的行為性抑郁

Anti - ganglioside antibodies and immune - mediated nerve diseases 抗神經節苷脂抗體與免疫介導的神經疾病