
mediastinum n.(pl. -na ) 【解剖學】(胸腔)縱隔。


Objective to study clinicopathologic features and to analyze differential of malignant mesothelioma . methods a case of malignant mesothelioma of the mediastinum was observed with pathologic examination and the literaturenas briefly reviewed . results the malignant mesothelioma showed biphasic forms , fibrous component and neoplastic cells arranged in stream - or nest - or cabinet - like forms , immumohistochemical staining showed that the neoplastic cells were positive for vimentin , desmin , nse , cd99 , cea , myod1 . conclusion malignant mesothelioma of mediastinum is a relatively rare poor prognosis , with the combination of clinical histopathological and immunohistochemical data , its correct diagnosis and differential diagnosis can be made 惡性間皮瘤發病率很低,大部分發生于胸膜和心包膜1 ,此瘤臨床無特異性癥狀和體征,需與其他縱隔腫瘤相鑒別,方能作出正確診斷,現將1例縱隔惡性間皮瘤的臨床病理資料報告如下,并結合文獻對該腫瘤的形態結構特點、診斷與鑒別診斷、治療與預后進行討論。

Further development of disseminated tumor can spread from the lungs directly penetrated the chest wall , mediastinum , heart , vascular and other neighboring tube organizations ; after blood lymphatic metastasis to other parts of the body through the respiratory tract or disseminated to other lobe 癌腫進一步發展播散則可從肺直接蔓延侵入胸壁、縱隔、心臟、大血管等鄰近器管組織;經淋巴道血道轉移到身體其他部位或經呼吸道播散到其他肺葉。

Most teratomas of the mediastinum are benign and only 15 - 20 % account for malignant neoplasms , such as immature teratomas , mature teratomas with malignant transformation , or teratomas concomitant to mixed germ cell tumors 大部分縱膈腔畸胎瘤是良性的,百分之十五至二十是惡性腫瘤,如不成熟畸胎瘤、成熟畸胎瘤并惡性轉形、畸胎瘤共存的混合生殖細胞瘤。

It is a rare spindle cell neoplasm that was initially reported in the pleura , mediastinum , and lungs . recently , many extrathoracic locations , including kidney and retroperitoneal soft tissue , hae been described 腎纖維瘤為很罕見紡錘狀細胞腫瘤,常見于胸膜、縱隔和肺。近來發現該瘤也可發生于胸部以外的部位,如腎臟、腹膜后軟組織等。

The robot , which performed this operation , could also be used to carry out surgical treatment of congenital heart disease , valvular disease , atrial fibrillation , coronary disease , pericardiac disease and mediastinum tumor 實施這項手術的機器人可開展先天性心臟病、瓣膜病、房顫、冠心病、心包疾病、縱膈腫瘤等疾病的外科治療。

We present a case of mature teratoma of the anterior mediastinum with carcinoid tumor arising in association with gastrointestinal epithelium , confined to the mass , and review the associated literature 在此我們提出一位自前縱膈腔之成熟畸胎瘤的胄腸道細胞生成之類癌瘤,并回顧歷年來與此病例相關的文獻報告。

The chest x - rays and computed tomography revealed a well - defined intensive enhanced mass in the left middle mediastinum with necrotic changes and calcification within it 胸部x光攝影及電腦斷層掃描發現在她的左側縱膈腔有一界限清楚的腫塊,腫塊內并有壞死及鈣化。

Apart from the gonads , the mediastinum is the most frequently involved site of germ cell tumors , accounting for about 2 - 6 % of these neoplasms 摘要除了性腺外,縱膈腔是生殖細胞瘤最好發的位置約占百分之二至六。

When present in the mediastinum , they can be located in all mediastinal compartments , with a predilection for the anterior mediastinum 淋巴管瘤可以在縱膈腔任何部位發生,但好發于前縱膈腔。

Objective to evaluate the clinical characteristics , diagnosis and treament in patients with primary tumor of the mediastinum 摘要目的探討縱隔腫瘤的臨床特點和診療方法。

Mature teratomas of the mediastinum are benign lesions 縱膈腔之成熟畸胎瘤大多是良性病變。

Surgery of primary tumors of mediastinum 原發性縱隔腫瘤手術方法的選擇