
mediant n.【音樂】中音〔音階的第三音〕。


The first degree of the diatonic scale is the tonic , the second the supertonic , the third the mediant , the fourth the subdominant , the fifth the dominant , the sixth the submediant , the seventh the leading tone or leading note 自然音階的第一級為主音,第二級為上主音,第三級為中音,第四級為下屬音,第五級為屬音,第六級為下中音,第七級為導音。

Taking the notes of the major diatonic scale as roots , and using only the notes of that scale , minor triads may be formed on the supertonic , mediant and submediant , that is the second , third and sixth degrees of the scale 把大自然音階的音作為根音,只使用該音階的音,小三和弦可由上主音,中音和下中音構成,即該音階的第二、第三和第六級音。

Focused on the asymptotic behaviour of mediant for fourth order lagrange ' s mean value theorem and obtained the main results as followed ( the equation is abbreviated ) 摘要對四階拉格朗日中值定理中間點的漸近性質進行了研究,得到的主要結果是(方程式略) 。

The mediant is the third degree of the scale and is midway between the tonic and the dominant . tonic , mediant and dominant together form the tonic triad 中音是第三級音,在主音和屬音之間。主音,中音和屬音一同構成主音三和弦。

Similarly the subdominant , as part of the dominant seventh chord , has a tendency to move to the mediant 下屬音也是如此,下屬音作為屬音七和弦的一部分,傾向于移向中音。