
median adj.1.中央的,中間的。2.【數學】中線的,中(位)...


Median lethal concentration 致死中濃度

Results : the median survival was 11 months , with a 3 - year survival of 24 % 結果:平均生存時間是11個月, 3年生存率為24 。

Median household income 家庭入息中位數

Acoustic parameters measurement of viscoelastic material in median and high frequency 中高頻段下的粘彈性材料聲學參數測量

Maintaining variance and k - medians over data stream windows . in pods 03 : proc 我們通過詳盡的實驗來研究各種算法的優劣。

Detail specification for median power electrical dummy load for 3cm aluminium waveguide 3cm鋁波導中功率假負載詳細規范

Palmar branch of median nerve 正中神經掌支

Median salary strategy or 75 百分點策略等。

Ranking is based on 2 al subjects , the middle “ median admissions grades 排名以2科高級程度科目作為中位數招生等級。

Median curing cutback asphalt mc 中凝油溶瀝青

For math , the school ( 65 % ) is at the median of the reference schools 數學教師方面,本校( 65 % )屬于參考學校的中數。

The median entry - level condo in california sold for $ 360 , 160 加州處在準入級別的公寓的中間價也要賣到360160美元。

Median rent - to - income ratio 租金與入息比例中位數

A method for denoising genechip images based on wavelet analysis and median filter 一種基因芯片圖像濾波混合法

Medical image denoising based on wavelet transform and median filtering 基于小波變換和中值濾波的醫學圖像去噪

The median interval between onset of symptoms and diagnosis was three months 3例有家族史,且均為姊妹配對。

4 . the reported median monthly household income was 11 , 300 4 .被訪者被稱之每月家庭收入的中位數約為11 , 300 。

Specification of solid crankshaft forgings for median speed diesel engine 中速柴油機整體曲軸鋼鍛件技術條件

Estimation of single event - related potentials using median filtering 基于中值濾波的腦事件關聯電位單次提取