
medial adj.中間的,中央的,中部的;平均的;普通的,中常的。...


Pathological examination of the medial rectus muscle showed positive congo red stain compatible with amyloidosis 病理切片檢查顯示陽性剛果紅染色反應。

Conclusions : 1 , stress mostly transmitted through the medial of the normal knee joint 4 ?結論: 1 、正常膝關節負荷主要通過膝關節內側傳遞。

Medial sural artery pedicled muscle flap to cover tissue soft defects on the prepatellar region 腓腸內側動脈為蒂的肌瓣轉移修復髕前軟組織缺損

Repair of medial collateral ligament injury of knee joint by a transpositional semitendinosus tendon 半腱肌腱轉位修復膝內側副韌帶損傷

A long - term follow - up study of high tibial osteotomy in medial compartment osteoarthrosis 脛骨高位截骨術治療膝關節骨關節炎的長期隨訪

Modified high - osteotomy of tibial for the treatment of medial osteoarthritis of the knee joint 改良脛骨高位截骨治療膝內側骨性關節炎

Periocular basal cell carcinoma is most commonly found on the lower eyelid and medial canthus 摘要基底細胞癌好發于下眼瞼及內眼眥。

Medial geniculate body 內側膝狀體

Fifty patient with injury of medial collateral ligament of knee joint by scalpel acupuncture 小針刀治療膝內側副韌帶損傷120例

Ld50 medial lethal dose 半致死劑量

Medial access control 介質訪問控制

Medial - axis transformation 中軸變換

The medial wall of the maxillary sinus serves as a landmark for the lamina papyracea 上頜竇的內側壁可以做為紙樣板的標記。

Treatment of one patient with ulnar nerve compression caused by medial epicondyle of humerus 肱骨內上髁骨折致尺神經卡壓1例

High tibial osteotomy for medial compartment serious osteoarthritis of the knee 脛骨高位截骨治療膝內側間室嚴重骨性關節炎

Ventral medial hypothalamus 腹中下丘腦

Clinical application of medial translocation of radial nerve for fracture of humarus 肱骨骨折行橈神經內側轉位的臨床應用

Analyzing the virtues and shortages of individual account in basic medial insurance 設立基本醫療保險個人賬戶的利弊分析

High - osteotomy of tibia for the treatment of medial osteoarthritis of knee joint 脛骨高位截骨術治療膝內側間隙骨關節炎