
mediaeval adj.中世紀的;中古(式)的;中世(風)的。adv.-...

mediaeval greek

The party , which campaigns for animal rights and compassionate farming , will only allow humane traps in the parliament wing where its offices are housed , allowing trapped mice to be released unharmed , the daily de telegraaf reported . the dutch parliament , or binnenhof , which is centred around a cluster of mediaeval buildings with turrets and a moat , has a lingering problem with vermin , the paper said 荷蘭電訊報1月17日表示,為應對該國議會大樓內部日趨嚴重的鼠患,有關方面打算在樓內各個房間里投放滅鼠藥物,但初次進入議會的荷蘭動物黨已經明確表示,不允許這種行為出現在他們的辦公室內。

In spite of their unitarian proclivities and their masks of conservative broadmindedness , they were two generations behind interpretative science : their mental processes were mediaeval , while their thinking on the ultimate data of existence and of the universe struck him as the same metaphysical method that was as young as the youngest race , as old as the cave - man , and older - the same that moved the first pleistocene ape - man to fear the dark ; that moved the first hasty hebrew savage to incarnate eve from adam s rib ; that moved descartes to build an idealistic system of the universe out of the projections of his own puny ego ; and that moved the famous british ecclesiastic to denounce evolution in satire so scathing as to win immediate applause and leave his name a notorious scrawl on the page of history 盡管他們傾向于唯一神教,戴了一副具有保守開明思想的面具,實際上他們已落后于解釋世界的科學兩代之久。他們的思想還處在中世紀階段。同時,他也感到,他們看待生命和宇宙的終極事實的方法還是形而上學的,那種看法阻地球上最年輕的種族的看法一樣幼稚也跟穴居人的看法一樣古老,甚至更古老那看法使第一個更新世的猿人害怕黑暗使第一個匆促的希伯來野蠻人用亞當的肋骨造成了夏娃使笛卡爾通過反射渺小的自我建立了唯心主義的宇宙體系使那有名的英格蘭傳教士用尖刻的諷刺來譴責進化論,并立即博得了喝彩,從而在歷史的篇章里草草留下了一個臭名。

The historical development of accounting information disclosure , which concentrates on the advent , developing course , and motive of accounting information disclosure , coming to such conclusions as : a . the accounting information disclosure resulted from the double - entry bookkeeping in the mediaeval italy . its development depends on the accounting environment whose changes can create new needs for accounting information . especially , the presence of corporation accelerates the development of accounting information further 該部分主要就會計信息披露的產生、會計信息披露的發展歷程、會計信息披露的動因等內容進行闡述,得出的主要結論有:會計信息披露起源于意大利式復式簿記,其發展有賴于會計環境變化所導致的對會計信息的新需求,特別是股份公司的出現則進一步加速了會計信息披露的發展。

The household registration system is one of the population management systems , as the state ’ s basic public administration system , it developed with the state , it has a long history in east and west : in east it origined from the west - zhou dynasty and it origined from mediaeval ages in west 戶籍管理制度是隨著國家的產生而形成的一種管理住戶和人口的社會人口管理制度,它包括登記制度和管理制度。是國家行政管理的一項基本制度。

Inheriting the philosophical tradition of mediaeval scholasticism , thomas aquinas constructed a systematic rational ( natural ) theology on the foundation which totally combined aristotle ' s philosophy and augustine ' s theology 摘要托馬斯?阿奎那秉承中世紀經院哲學傳統,在全面整合亞里士多德哲學和奧古斯丁神學的基礎上,建構起了一個系統化的理性神學體系。

The towns artistic wealth is also a major point of interest : the old town centre is full of churches and palazzi which testify to italys architectural history , in particular where the mediaeval and renaissance periods are concerned 方。還有城市豐富多樣的藝術:在古城中有從中世紀到今天講解意大利建筑學歷史的交通和大樓,特別是文藝復興時期的。

The remains of architecture in the liao dynasty ( 907 - 1125 ce ) have formed an important part of the architectural remains from mediaeval china on all aspects of scale , grade , quantity and quality of preservation 遼代建筑遺存無論在規模、等級、數量和保存質量上均構成中古時期古代建筑遺存中最重要的部分。

The collection , which spans five centuries , was originally put together by the irish mediaeval scholar john hunt and his wife gertrude , who presented the collection to leeds castle in his memory 展品的年代跨越五個世紀,最早由愛爾蘭中世紀學者john hunt和他的妻子gertrude搜集并贈送給利茲城堡。

Madrid ' s royal armory museum boasts collections of mediaeval weapons , artifacts of war for the kings of spain and other member of the royal family since the 13th century 馬德里皇家兵器博物館擁有珍貴收藏,包括13世紀以來中世紀西班牙國王及王室成員使用過的武器和兵器。

The dutch parliament , or binnenhof , which is centred around a cluster of mediaeval buildings with turrets and a moat , has a lingering problem with vermin , the paper said 報道說,荷蘭議會大廈為一幢瀕臨護城河的中世紀建筑,長期以來一直深受鼠害的困擾。

The renaissance movement of the 15th and 16th centuries was born out of a disenchantment with the mediaeval philosophical and theological way of thinking 十五、十六世紀的文藝復興運動起源于對中世紀哲學和神學的思維方式的反叛。

Christian is catholic , orthodoxy and protestantism in mediaeval in - house dissension 3 factional , and each other extreme misery nots allow 基督教在中世紀內部分裂為天主教、正教和新教三個派系,且彼此水火不容。

Temples and monasteries in luoyang was a literary work written in the mediaeval times , embodying linguistic features typical of that en 這些雙音節詞有的是新詞,有的是原來的詞出現了新的意義。

It is a common tale for a mediaeval knight to kill a dragon and save a princess and her country from its evil 一個司空見慣的傳說是,一位中世紀的騎士殺死了龍,拯救了公主和她的國家。

Anyone familiar with the legend of robin hood knows archery competitions date back at least to mediaeval times 熟悉羅賓漢傳奇故事的人們都知道,射箭比賽的歷史至少可以追溯到中世紀。

On the rise of the mediaeval european university and its enlightenment for the development of our universities 中國古代書院與歐洲中世紀大學的比較研究

The evolution of the opening and closing mouth of dental sound of mediaeval times during ming - qing dynasty 中古齒音開合口在明清時期的演變

In mediaeval times rivers were the veins of the body politic as well as economic 在中世紀,河流不僅是經濟的命脈,而且是國家的命脈。

The evolution of the opening and closing mouth of dental sound of mediaeval times in recent times 中古齒音開合口在近代的演變