
media 短語和例子media1n.(pl.-diae1.〔拉丁語...

media event

In the case of uranium the sample location or medium is not as critical . 分析鈾時對取樣點位置或介質的要求就不那么嚴格了。

The axenic culture of rusts has been achieved on various defined media . 在各種規定的培養基上可得到銹菌的單體純凈培養物。

Other spiroplasmas have been isolated and cultured on cell-free media . 其它螺原體已被分離出來,并在無細胞的培養上培養。

Stars are born from a kind of primal soup known as the interstellar medium . 恒星是由一種稱為星際介質的“原湯”形成的。

The store sells big ones , small ones , medium ones , or what have you . 那家商店賣大號的、小號的、中號的,應有盡有。

They have a yellowish color owing to the accumulation of elastin in the media . 因中膜中含有很多彈性纖維所以呈黃色。

The ideal is to strike a medium between ideology and inspiration . 我的理想是在意識思想和靈感鼓動之間找到一個折衷。

The prize for media winners has been similarly impressive . 至于那些獲勝的傳播媒介,所得到的獎勵也同樣是很可觀的。

A prime goal was to suppress all media opposed to the government . 他的一個主要目標是鎮壓一切反政府的新聞機構。

When i dealt with the media it was invariably at nixon's request . 我與新聞界打交道無不是應尼克松的要求去做的。

She was a very handsome, very fair woman a little under medium height . 她是一個溫文爾雅、中等身材的美麗婦女。

Through the medium of the syrians greek culture penetrated persia . 通過敘利亞人作媒介,希臘文化滲透到波斯。

Blandness in the basic politics of the media became standard . 傳播媒介在基本政治問題上通常采取溫和的態度。

Gold, he claimed, was finished as an international medium . 他斷言,黃金作為國際兌換的媒介已經壽終正寢了。

The rooting medium should be moist, well aerated, and sterile . 生根的基質應當是濕潤,透氣良好和消過毒的。

The answer is not elimination of private enterprise in the media . 答案并不在于消滅傳播媒介中的私人企業。

Colloidal particles are bombarded by molecules of the dispersion medium . 膠粒會受到分散介質分子的碰撞。

Money is a medium of exchange used to measure prices and debts . 貨幣是用來計量物價和債務的交換媒介。

The two-day excursion was intended as a media preview . 這兩天的參觀是作為一次新聞界的預習而安排的。