
medellin n.麥德林〔哥倫比亞城市〕。


[ color = # 000000 ] [ b ] 31 ) watching chico evani , one of the faithful heroes of the hellish times score the winner in tokyo in the last minute of regulation against medellin . pure extase ! ! 埃瓦尼,這位在球隊降入乙級的黑暗歲月里仍能忠誠而堅定地留守在此的英雄之一,在東京豐田杯決賽對陣麥德林獨立隊的最后一分鐘打進致勝一球。令人心馳神往! !

Watching chico evani , one of the faithful heroes of the hellish times score the winner in tokyo in the last minute of regulation against medellin . pure extase ! ! 埃瓦尼,這位在球隊降入乙級的黑暗歲月里仍能忠誠而堅定地留守在此的英雄之一,在東京豐田杯決賽對陣麥德林獨立隊的最后一分鐘打進致勝一球。令人心馳神往! !

[ color = black ] 31 ) watching chico evani , one of the faithful heroes of the hellish times score the winner in tokyo in the last minute of regulation against medellin 埃瓦尼,這位在球隊降入乙級的黑暗歲月里仍能忠誠而堅定地留守在此的英雄之一,在東京豐田杯決賽對陣麥德林獨立隊的最后一分鐘打進致勝一球。

Somelive in the caribbean lowlands in cities like barranquilla andcartagena ; some live in isolated mountain valleys in cities like caliand medellin 一些住在低洼地區的加勒比城市巴蘭基亞、卡塔赫納一樣;一些住在離山谷麥德林、卡利等城市

On bush ' s watch the country was flooded with cocaine form the medellin cartel 在布什任內,美國充斥來自麥德林犯罪組織的可卡因。