
medea n.【希臘神話】美狄亞〔科爾喀斯國王之女,以巫術著稱,曾...


The vengeance formation in medea gives an explanation of natural and attacking character of human being , opening a new expressional route in tragic drama 美狄亞復仇闡釋了人的復仇攻擊本性,其獨具特色的殘酷型復仇將人類超常態特性推向極致,開辟了新的悲劇表現內容。

Medea , daughter of king aeetes , was wounded by eros ' arrows , took jason ' s part in recovering the golden fleece and eventually became the hero ' s wife 美狄亞,國王埃厄忒斯的女兒,被厄洛斯的神箭射中,和伊阿宋一起尋覓金羊毛,最后成為這位英雄的妻子。

Lg , samsung , hyundai automobile , kelon , medea , huari , xingxing group involved in automobile , air - conditioner , refrigerator , display , dust collector , and washing machine fields : lg電子,三星電子,現代汽車,科電器,美的電器,華日冰箱,星星集團等

The effect of social environment and the special character of medea cause the vindictiveness 社會環境的影響及美狄亞作為個體的特殊性是美狄亞復仇心理形成的基本要素。

The vcngcance formation in medea belongs to that of love sctback 摘要《美狄亞》的復仇形態類型屬于愛情遇挫式復仇。

On the behavior of abandoned woman medea from the chinese and greece ethical culture 希倫理文化看棄婦美狄亞之行為

No , we ' re . seeing medea . oh , yeah , right 不.我們看的是美狄亞.哦,是的.對啊