
mede n.(伊朗西北部 Media 地方的)米堤亞人。 the...


“ we are expecting the all new 3rd generation ford mondeo to bring chinese consumers a different and exciting driving experience ” said nigel harris , the general manager of cfma sales company : ” the all new 3rd generation ford mondeo will not only enrich the product line of cfma , but also bring ford ' s tagline of mede to a new stage “我們期待著全新第三代福特蒙迪歐,能為中國消費者帶來與眾不同的精彩駕乘體驗” ,長安福特馬自達汽車銷售公司總經理何駿杰表示: “即將上市銷售的全新第三代福特蒙迪歐,不僅持續豐富了長安福特馬自達汽車的產品線,而且將福特‘活得精彩’的品牌主張提升到一個新的境界。 ”

The target of the geography research study , primarily the target of experience , emphasizes the study process of students , the student participation directly and experience personally . therefore , combining with the contents and practice that can be proceeded in high school geography teaching , the general mode , cooperative mode , discoverable mode , applying mode and opening mede have been constructed , and illustrated by the active example of “ the changes and causes of the phase “ 地理研究性學習的目標主要是體驗性目標,它強調學生的學習過程,學生的直接參與和親身體驗,因此結合中學地理可進行的研究性學習內容的實際,構建了中學地理研究性學習的一般模式、協作模式、發現模式、應用模式和開放模式,并通過“月相變化及成因”的鮮活示例加以說明。

Devexux rb , latas em , casalt n , et al . stem dardizatin of m - mede echo - cardiogrphit left ventricular anatomic measurmeats . j am call cardiol , 1984 , 4 : 1222 汽佩麟,金紹國,張虹,等.非杓型高血壓對左心室肥厚的影響及其臨床意義.中國循環雜志, 1996 , 11 : 524

Tianqi umbrella has been mede a great beal admiration of customers by highgrade product and perfecting service 天淇傘系列新產品以優越的產品質量和公司完善的售后服務,贏得了廣大客戶的廣泛贊譽。

“ in the first year of darius the mede , i arose to be an encouragement and a protection for him 但11 : 1又說、當瑪代王大利烏元年、我曾起來扶助米迦勒、使他堅強。

Also i in the first year of darius the mede , even i , stood to confirm and to strengthen him 但11 : 1又說、當瑪代王大利烏元年、我曾起來扶助米迦勒、使他堅強。

Also i in the first year of darius the mede , even i , stood to confirm and to strengthen him 1又說,當瑪代王大流士元年,我曾起來扶助米迦勒,使他堅強。

And in the first year of darius the mede , i took my stand to support and protect him 1又說,當瑪代王大利烏元年,我曾起來扶助米迦勒,使他堅強。

And i , in the first year of darius the mede , stood up to support and strengthen him 1我在瑪代王大利烏元年,曾起來扶助他,使他堅強。

Reservations will be held until 6 : 00 p . m . unless prior arrangements are mede 除有特別安排,否則訂房只保留至當日下午六時。

Management mede of the information resource based on the intelligent mansion 基于智能大廈架構的信息資源管理模式