
meddlesome adj.愛管閑事的。n.-ness


Kyle ' s mother is carping , anxious , lethally meddlesome ; she takes a stand to raise awareness of conjoined twins , which seems intended just to mortify the person it ' s supposed to help , a school nurse who has a dead fetus attached to her head 凱爾的母親愛挑刺,性情急燥,管起閑事來無所顧忌,她總愛向人們提起聯體人的事,她這樣做似乎就是為了使那位人們認為應受到幫助的人丟面子,也就是一位頭上帶有死胎聯體物的護士。

So she took and dusted us both with the hickry , and we was as much as two hours catching another fifteen or sixteen , drat that meddlesome cub , and they warn t the likeliest , nuther , because the first haul was the pick of the flock 當我們走回家時,只見她正站在床頭大叫大喊,而耗子正在表現它們的拿手好戲給她解解悶。所以她一見我們,便抄起木棍,揍了我們一頓。

The film explores the relationship between the creator of judo and his faithful protage . it depicts the process sugata , a rash and meddlesome young man , learns judo with his heart and becomes an admirable judo martial artists 描寫姿三四郎怎樣在學習柔道的過程中,從一名好勇斗狼的魯莽青年,成長成為一名柔道武術家。

She has yet to spell out much of her policy platform , including on such vital issues as tax or climate change ; and has suspiciously meddlesome tendencies 另外她還需要詳細闡述她的主要政策綱領,包括像稅收或環境變化這樣重大的議題,而且有人懷疑她有過度干涉的傾向。

The dot ' s objection to mr reid , a respected veteran in the industry , because he might be beholden to foreign interests looks particularly meddlesome 里德是行業中德高望重的前輩,交通部反對他的理由僅僅是認為他可能對外國企業心存感激,現在看來這是十足的狗拿耗子。

Favorite female type : sensible , generous , intellectual and gentle woman . better if beautiful ! ! least favorite female type : meddlesome , talkative and insensitive female 最喜歡的女性類型:聰明機智落落大方有知識并且溫柔能照顧好自己的女人,漂亮更好

Then hold your meddlesome tongue , said solomon , and come out , if you want to speak to me . pay for your wine , and come out “那就收起你那愛管閑事的舌頭吧, ”所羅門說, “你要想跟我說話就出來,付了酒錢出來吧。

When a meddlesome mother enrolls in university with her son , old and new worlds collide 當一個愛管閑事的母親和兒子注冊同一間大學后,新世界和舊世界兩種價值觀就開始碰撞了。

It was only when i saw the photos that i realized i looked like a meddlesome gypsy fortune - teller 直到看見照片,我才意識到自己看上去就像一個擅自闖入的吉普賽算命人。

Cereal third transaminase lifts continuously is not meddlesome , you should make further examination 谷丙轉氨酶連續升高不是好事,你應該去做進一步檢查。

By this means the meddlesome woman cast in a bone between the wife and the husband 這愛管閑事的女人就用這種手段挑起他們夫妻這間的不和。

We ' re meddlesome 我們太愛管閑事了

Meddlesome old cat 多管閑事的老貓

Get rid of that meddlesome fool 讓那個愛管閑事的家伙走開。

These children are meddlesome when they ' re together 這些孩子在一起就變得非常煩人

Not everything that the loan guarantee board asked us to do was trivial or unduly meddlesome . 貨款保證委員會要求我們做的事,并不完全是毫無意義的或者是故意刁難的。

Get rid of that meddlesome fool ! 讓那個愛管閑事的家伙走開!