
meddler n.多事者,好管閑事者;干涉者。


It was not , after all , taught in college computer science courses like if - therefore , sometimes unless is seen as at best a vagabond , at worst a meddler 畢竟,大學的計算機科學課程沒有象教if ( )那樣教unless ( )因此,有時人們把unless ( )看成是流浪漢(在最好的情況下) ,有時看成是管閑事的人(在最壞的情況下) 。

But one trait most surviving bank leaders share , as one policymaker recently observed to me , is that “ they tend to be meddlers ? very hands on ” 但是,正如一位政策制定者最近對我提到的,多數幸存下來的領導都有著一個顯著的特點,那就是: “他們往往是愛管閑事的人? ?非常事必躬親” 。

Embrace and invite helps , and advices , touching the execution of thy place ; and do not drive away such , as bring thee information , as meddlers ; but accept of them in good part 凡有就分內之事進言獻策者,應予歡迎,并加鼓勵;報告實況之人,不得視為好事,加以驅逐,而應善為接待。

The anger of a good man lasts and instant , that of a meddler two hours , that of a base man a day and a night ; and that of a great sinner until death 好人生氣起來只持續瞬間;愛管閑事的人卻可持續兩個小時;一個下等人會持續一天一夜;而大壞蛋則要持續一輩子。

If you suffer , it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal , or even as a meddler 15你們中間卻不可有人,因為殺人,偷竊,作惡,好管閑事而受苦。

John might be a meddler 約翰可能是個愛管閑事的家伙

This is what l use on meddlers 這就是用來對付愛管閑事的人的

Forget it . once i get rid ofthis meddler 罷了.等我殺掉這名多管閑事的家伙