
meddle vi.1.弄,摸弄,用手玩弄;參與,發生關系 (with...


Don ' t meddle with the electrical wiring : you ' re not an electrician 別瞎動電線線路,你又不是電工

What right do we have to meddle with the order of nature 等一下,我們有沒有權擾亂大自然的秩序?

The less you meddle with him the better 你跟他越少來往越好。 ”

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature , mr . beale . . 你有自然界的原始力量,比厄先生

Harold asked his boss stop meddling in his personal life 海洛要求他的老板不要干涉他的私生活。

The gifts of charity meddled with a gentleman ' s private affair 慈善禮物干擾一位紳士的私事。

Who told you you might meddle with such hifalut n foolishness , hey 誰教你干這樣的蠢事,嗯?

Harold asked his boss stop meddling in his personal life 哈羅德要求老板別再干涉他的私生活。

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature , mr . beale 你有自然界的原始力量,比厄先生

If you ' re gonna keep insisting on meddling , then 如果你繼續瞎干涉

“ why should you meddle with what does not concern you ? “你何必要干預與你無關的事呢? ”

I ' m furious with him for meddling in our family disputes 我很惱火他插手我們的家庭糾紛。

The gifts of charity meddled with a man ' s private affair 慈善捐贈干預了人們的私人事務。

If you ' re gonna keep insisting on meddling , then . . 如果你繼續瞎干涉. .

Awful things happen to wizards who meddle with time 擾亂時間的巫師身上會發生很可怕的事

Someone ' s been meddling with my cd player 有人擅自碰過我的激光唱機了。

The lands , being a minor , he could not meddle with 至于田地,由于他未成年,他不過問。

They wont meddle with us now , another was saying 現在決不會過來。 ”另一名士兵說道。

Don ' t let other people meddle in your private affairs 射手:避免他人過問你的私事。