
medan n.棉蘭〔印度尼西亞城市〕。


Recorded by brother - initiate wahyudi , medan , indonesia originally in indonesian brother husin , who learned the convenient method on december 4 , 2004 and lives in banda aceh , called me recently to say that he is now in medan , together with his wife and five - year - old son after they survived the 2004 south asian and african tsunami 住在大亞市banda aceh ,印尼亞省首府的哈辛師兄于2004年12月4日才剛修行方便法,他最近來電告訴我,他現在人在棉蘭,他的妻子與五歲的小兒子都躲過這次的海嘯災難。

As most of the roads were covered with mud and debris , transporting the relief items was challenging . however this did not halt the progress of the relief mission , and when a rescue team of ten practitioners from formosa arrived to help the medan and jakarta initiates , the additional support filled the relief workers with new energy 由于多數馬路都布滿了爛泥和破瓦殘礫,運輸大量的救災品非常吃力,不過這些困難都不曾阻撓救援工作的進行,尤其是福爾摩沙10位同修隨后抵達災區,更給救援工作增添一批生力軍。

Mr . hardi li , a 43 - year - old chinese native raised in medan and an insurance worker , is also a member of the indonesia branch of the spiritual group known as the supreme master ching hai international association . mr . li said that on december 27 , a day after the tsunami , the association delivered around five tons of relief materials , including food , clothing and medical supplies to lhokseumawe , located between medan and aceh . mr . li and several volunteer workers immediately rushed to the scene to transport the supplies to the affected areas by truck 四十三歲的華人李健,在棉蘭長大,在當地從事保險業,也是靈修團體清海無上師世界會印尼分會的成員,他表示,在發生地震海嘯翌日12月27日,他們的世界會將五噸物資,包括食物衣物和藥物,運到棉蘭與亞省之間的lhokseumawe ,他和幾名義工立即將物資用卡車送入災區。

Additionally , after observing the local rescue workers operating in putrid , hazardous conditions such as wading in water contaminated by dead bodies , walking on debris that was full of nails , and removing dead bodies with their bare hands , the fellow practitioners immediately notified the medan center and purchased a large quantity of urgently needed materials including protective gloves , rain boots , surgical masks and corpse wrapping plastic for the rescue workers 救援隊同修表示由于自備汽油與交通工具,才得以在第一時間順利將物資全數發放到災民手中。當目睹當地的救援人員踩著尸水與釘子,赤手搬運尸體,同修也立即回報棉蘭小中心,加購更大量的急需物資,包括保護救援人員的手套雨鞋口罩尸布等。

In addition , another five initiates from the jakarta center flew from medan to lhokseumawe on january 1 , and divided into two groups , one of which went straight to banda aceh to help the previous group of jakarta initiates with the aid effort . another group targeted the northern coastal area starting from lhokseumawe . together they distributed clothing , cookies and medicine to the needy , along with masks and gloves to the soldiers and other workers removing lifeless bodies 另外五位雅加達同修,于元月1日由棉蘭飛往羅斯馬威市,他們分成兩組:一組去大亞市協助雅加達同修進行救援活動另一組加入當地北海岸隊,從羅斯馬威市開始分發衣服餅乾和藥品給災民,并分送口罩與手套給軍人和處理尸體的工作人員。

Next a second team of fifteen formosan practitioners arrived in medan on january 2 . after being briefed on the situation by other relief workers , these volunteers also split into two groups . one went to victims “ camps in medan to help in treating casualties , and the other joined the local team in lhokseumawe to deliver medical supplies and aid materials to many coastal areas where urgent help was needed , covering a distance of over 140 km from lhokseumawe to sigli 福爾摩沙第二隊15位同修于元月2日抵達棉蘭,了解災情后,也分兩組行動:一組前往棉蘭各營區協助醫療包扎工作另一組則運送藥品及物資到急需援助的沿岸地帶-包括從羅斯馬威市到司吉利市sigli沿岸140多公里的許多災區,并前往棉蘭西邊沿岸地區進行物資發放。

The first team of ten initiates arrived in medan on january 1 . knowing that residents of banda aceh had suffered heavy casualties and were in critical need of medical personnel , medical supplies and daily necessities , the sisters and brothers immediately asked formosa to provide these types of material support 第一隊10位同修于元月1日抵達棉蘭后,得知亞地區死傷慘重,醫護人員及醫藥民生用品均嚴重缺乏,立刻回報福爾摩沙,進行醫藥品及物資的補給。

On january 4 , with the help of the ngo international affairs committee of the formosa foreign ministry , ten practitioners , including doctors and pharmacists , flew to medan . china airlines even provided free transport of the medical supplies 元月4日,在福爾摩沙外交部ngo國際事務委員會的協助下,包括醫師藥劑師等十位同修順利飛往棉蘭,中華航空公司并免費運送該批醫藥物資。

The team was uncertain about how and when they could return to medan after the relief work was finished but thankfully , through master s arrangement , the singapore air force helped the sisters and brothers by flying them back to the city 當同修完成任務,正愁不知如何返回棉蘭時,在師父的巧妙安排下,再次得到新加坡軍機的協助,大家才安全飛回棉蘭。

Known locally as med - medan , it allows teenagers of the opposite * to have a snog in public . although not everyone - like this lady - looks thrilled at the prospect 巴厘島的“接吻節”在當地名叫“半棉蘭” 。節日上,即使是青少年也可以和異性親吻。當然,并不是所有人都喜歡這一節日,圖中的女孩看起來已被熱吻的人嚇得瑟瑟發抖。

Prior to the expo , we spread the news about our booth via a banner hung on a crowded medan street and through announcements in two local newspapers . the results were exemplary 棉蘭同修有感于修行觀音法門的這幾年來,獲得了無邊的加持與利益,因此決定參與此次盛會,將這個珍貴法門的訊息介紹給大眾。

Heart - rending scenes of tearful disaster victims fleeing the heavily devastated province of aceh into the warm embraces of relatives have become daily sights at indonesia s medan airport 印尼棉蘭機場,每日仍然可以見到從重災區亞省逃出的災民,與親人重逢時彷如隔世相擁痛哭的場面。

Now the sons of keturah , abraham ' s concubine : she bare zimran , and jokshan , and medan , and midian , and ishbak , and shuah . and the sons of jokshan ; sheba , and dedan 代上1 : 32亞伯拉罕的妾基土拉所生的兒子、就是心蘭、約珊、米但、米甸、伊施巴、書亞。約珊的兒子是示巴、底但。

Now the sons of keturah , abraham ' s concubine : she bare zimran , and jokshan , and medan , and midian , and ishbak , and shuah . and the sons of jokshan ; sheba , and dedan 32亞伯拉罕的妾基土拉所生的兒子,就是心蘭,約珊,米但,米甸,伊施巴,書亞。約珊的兒子是示巴,底但。

The sons of keturah , abraham ' s concubine , whom she bore , were zimran , jokshan , medan , midian , ishbak and shuah . and the sons of jokshan were sheba and dedan 代上1 : 32亞伯拉罕的妾基土拉所生的兒子、就是心蘭、約珊、米但、米甸、伊施巴、書亞。約珊的兒子是示巴、底但。

In indonesia 1 , 500 containers are stacked at the sumatran port of medan , according to customs records , with 599 of the units unclaimed or needing import permits 在印尼,根據海關記錄,有1500個集裝箱堆積在棉蘭的蘇門答臘港,其中599個集裝箱無人認領或需要進口許可。

And the sons of keturah , abraham ' s concubine : she bore zimran and jokshan and medan and midian and ishbak and shuah . and the sons of jokshan : sheba and dedan 32亞伯拉罕的妾基土拉所生的兒子,是心蘭、約珊、米但、米甸、伊施巴、書亞。約珊的兒子是示巴、底但。

At medan containers have been languishing since january , even though survivors in nearby aceh are calling for more assistance 在棉蘭,盡管附近亞齊的幸存者們一直在呼吁更多援助,但自1月份以來,送達的集裝箱卻一直受到冷落。

And the sons of keturah , abrahams servant - wife : she was the mother of zimran and jokshan and medan and midian and ishbak and shuah 32亞伯拉罕的妾基土拉所生的兒子、就是心蘭、約珊、米但、米甸、伊施巴、書亞。