
medallist n.得獎章者;獎章雕刻家;獎章搜集家。 a gold m...


Currently three world - class masters have joined as distinguished professor - at - large . they are professor yang chen ning , the first chinese nobel laureate , professor sir james a mirrlees , nobel laureate in economics 1996 , and professor yau shing tung , director of the institute of mathematical sciences of cuhk and the only chinese fields medallist 目前,中文大學已有三位國際級大師出任博文講座教授,分別為著名物理學家、首位華人諾貝爾獎得獎人楊振寧教授,國際知名經濟學家、一九九六年諾貝爾經濟學獎得獎人jamesa

This coming thursday , 7 october 2004 , will surely be a busy day for hong kong s 2004 olympic men s table tennis doubles silver medallists , mr . ko lai - chak and mr . li ching as they will be present at the issuing ceremony of the hongkong post s special heartwarming stamps featuring “ congratulations to the hong kong team on winning the silver medal in the men s table tennis doubles at the 2004 olympic games “ 香港郵政將于星期四(十月七日)發行心思心意郵票,祝賀香港奧運代表隊在2004奧林匹克運動會勇奪乒乓球男子雙打銀牌,兩位銀牌得主李靜和高禮澤將出席心思心意郵票的發行典禮。

Other top achievers in the examination included hong kong top winner ms stephanie kwan ; gold medallist ms joyce chan ; bronze medallists mr . clement li and ms ann li , who are all recent graduates of the professional accountancy programme ( please refer to the appendix for details of the examination results ) 其他考獲佳績的畢業生包括試卷第一名的關慧妍、金獎得主陳詩茵及銅獎得主李康裕和李妙藍,他們全是中大專業會計學系近數屆的畢業生。 (詳細成績請參閱附錄。

Ireland s recent world and olympic medallists include sonia o sullivan and gillian o sullivan in athletics , the men s trap shooting team , sam lynch and gearoid towey in rowing , dermot lennon in show jumping while padraig harrington and darren clarke are among the world s top golfers Caitriona mckiernan是世界知名的馬拉松運動員。 ted和ruby walsh在訓練2000年的英格蘭和愛爾蘭越野障礙賽馬獲獎運動員中取得了獨特的成就。高爾夫選手padraig harrington 、 paul mcginley和darren clarke都在世界巡回賽中取得了成功。

As a popular , respected and trusted entertainer , mark rowswell will be instrumental in facilitating the canadian olympic committees ongoing progress with the 2008 olympic games organizing committee , said sylvie bernier , 2008 chef de mission and 1984 diving olympic gold medallist . as a canadian , marks profile within china is truly unique and his leadership will be key in helping our organization develop important relationships with members of beijings community 2008年奧運會加拿大代表團團長1984年奧運會跳水項目金牌得主伯妮爾sylvie bernier說:作為一個備受歡迎尊敬和信任的文化使者,大山有助于促進加拿大奧委會與2008年奧組委之間的合作不斷取得進展。作為一個加拿大人,大山在中國的知名度確實是獨一無二的在協助我們的組織與北京的社區成員發展重要關系這方面,他將發揮關鍵性的帶頭作用。

A 3 - match series will take place at the indoor sports hall at hong kong football club , featuring the new zealand wheel blacks , gold medallists at the 2004 paralympic games in athens , and an england team including several players from the reigning european champions , great britain 整項賽事共有三場,在香港足球會室內運動場舉行,特別邀請了雅典2004傷殘奧林匹克運動會金牌得主紐西蘭黑輪隊及另一支英國隊伍來港參賽,后者有數名隊員是應屆歐洲冠軍英國隊成員。

Badminton player yip pui - yin , defeated the 1998 asian games ladies single gold medallist kanako yonekura and entered the last 16 at the 2005 world badminton championships held in mid - august in anaheim , us . this was the first - ever world championships for yip and was an excellent achievement 羽毛球運動員葉?延首次參加世界賽已表現超卓,于八月中在美國阿納海姆舉行的世界羽毛球錦標賽中擊敗于一九九八年亞運金牌得主米倉加奈子進身女單十六強。

Kwun yam wan offers a range of water sports facilities . being the home base for hong kong s first olympic gold medallist , windsurfer , ms lee lai - shan , kwun yam wan has become a favourite tourist spot for local visitors since the 1996 olympics 觀音灣除提供完善的水上運動設施外,還曾經是香港首位奧運金牌得主,風帆好手李麗珊的啟蒙基地,自一九九六年奧運會后,觀音灣已成為熱門旅游點。

Kwun yam wan offers a range of water sports facilities . being the home base for hong kong s first olympic gold medallist , windsurfer , ms lee lai - shan , kwun yam wan has become a favorite tourist spot for local visitors since the 1996 olympics 觀音灣除提供完善的水上運動設施外,還曾經是香港首位奧運金牌得主,風帆好手李麗珊的啟蒙基地,自一九九六年奧運會后,觀音灣已成為熱門旅游點。

These commemorative “ heartwarming stamps “ will be available in a mini - pane containing 16 stamps denominated in local postage and photos of the men s table tennis doubles silver medallists in the 2004 olympic games , mr . li ching and mr . ko lai - chak 這些心思心意郵票將以小版張形式發售,附有十六枚本地郵資郵票,并印有奧運乒乓球男子雙打銀牌得主李靜和高禮澤的肖像。

In the waters off to the right , beyond the warwick hotel cheung chau , hong kong s first olympic games gold medallist , lee lai - shan , practised windsurfing as a schoolgirl . the local windsurfing centre teaches the sport 由東灣往東面走,經過長洲華威酒店后,不久便抵達觀音灣,這里正是香港首位奧運金牌得主李麗珊昔日練習滑浪風帆之處長洲風帆中心。

As a special offer to lsos members , hongkong post is also offering a lucky draw . ten lucky winners will receive a pair of table tennis paddles autographed by the silver medallists , mr . li ching and mr . ko lai - chak 使用郵品訂購服務的顧客,更可參加香港郵政主辦的抽獎;十名中獎的幸運兒各可獲贈銀牌得主李靜和高禮澤親筆簽名的一對乒乓球拍。

And jonathan edwards , a former olympic gold medallist and member of london s athletes advisory group , added : “ this is a great report and it s fantastic that the input of athletes has been recognised . 而前奧運會金牌得主和倫敦運動員顧問團成員喬納森愛德華則進一步補充說: “這是一份了不起的報告,它好就好在運動員們的投入得到了承認。 ”

We are also honoured to have the support from the two silver medallists in allowing us to display their trophies , pictures and table tennis paddles for the entire duration of the exhibition 我們十分感謝霍震霆借出他的私人珍藏,也很榮幸能夠得到兩位銀牌得主的支持,讓我們展出他們的獎杯、照片和乒乓球拍。

“ this is the best result for us in the history of gymnastics . i wouldn ' t say i ' m surprised though , “ said yang , the all - around silver medallist at the 2000 olympics and 2003 world championships “這是體操史上的最佳成績。但我并不為此感到驚訝。 ”楊說,這位2000年奧運會以及2003年世錦賽上的個人全能銀牌得主。

Last year ' s silver medallists russia were seventh in the eight - team final , further misery for the former powerhouse after their women ' s team finished last in their final on wednesday 去年的銀牌得主俄羅斯隊在八支決賽隊伍中屈居第七,這是繼周三俄羅斯女隊在女團決賽中墊底后這支“昔日”強隊遭受的又一打擊。

He was selected by a worldwide panel of electors and won the award by beating two vs track and gold medallists , 400 meter hurdler kevin young and heptathlete joyner kerssie 謝爾博是由一個世界性的評選小組所選中的。他是在擊敗美國田徑金牌得主400米欄選手凱文?楊和女子七項全能選手喬伊納?克西后獲得此項大獎。

Hence , muhammad ali ( cassius clay at the time ) and teofilo stevenson ( a three - time gold medallist ) could join names like theagenes of thassos and cleitomachus of thebes among the legends 歷年在此揚名的選手,如拳王穆罕默德?阿里(原名卡修斯-克萊) 、 3屆金牌得主的古巴拳王史蒂文森等名將,都已成為傳奇人物。

Hence , muhammad ali cassius clay at the time and teofilo stevenson a three - time gold medallist could join names like theagenes of thassos and cleitomachus of thebes among the legends 歷年在此揚名的選手,如拳王穆罕默德阿里原名卡修斯-克萊3屆金牌得主的古巴拳王史蒂文森等名將,都已成為傳奇人物。