
medallion n.1.大獎章,大徽章。2.(肖像等的)圓形浮雕;團花圖...


In the twelve gold medallions , yueh hua plays a knight trying to stop the invading chins 本片是1970手香港四大賣座電影之一,并獲金馬獎優等劇情片。

This creates a match medallion in the casual lobby , indicating the match title and format 一個有獎章造型的牌局就建立了,指出牌局的名稱與玩法。

This gold - plated copper commemorative medallion set includes 5 pieces , each of a diameter of 40mm 此套紀念章為銅質鍍金,直徑40毫米,共5枚。

The medallion is mine 紋章是我的

Where ' s the medallion 金幣在哪里?

. . . to the powder magazine ! and the rest of you bring me the medallion 寇勒和退格去炸他們的彈藥艙其它人把金幣給我搶回來!

It ' s a pirate medallion 這是海盜金幣

To the powder magazine ! and the rest of you bring me the medallion 寇勒和退格去炸他們的彈藥艙其它人把金幣給我搶回來!

. . . and restore life to the dead . you get that kid and the medallion . . . . .能讓死人復活.你得到了那個孩子和紋章. .

Quick . give me the medallion 快.把紋章給我

The set comprises five silver coins together with a gold medallion 。紀念幣套裝包括枚銀幣,以及枚紀念金章。

Blazefury medallion : the triggered effect from this item will no longer break gouge :效果出發將不會打斷鑿擊。

That ' s all . oh , the medallion 就這點要求.噢,紋章

The medallion ! she ' s taken it 那個徽章!被她拿走了

Did you understand the medallion 弄明白那個徽章了嗎

In addition , each member of the winning team will receive a medallion 此外,得勝隊伍的成員每人授予獎牌。

And restore life to the dead . you get that kid and the medallion .能讓死人復活.你得到了那個孩子和紋章

Elizabeth : it ' s a pirate medallion 不就是枚海盜徽章么

Aye ! - no ! she had the medallion 對!不!她有那塊金幣