
medalist n.得獎章者;獎章雕刻家;獎章搜集家。 a gold m...


Shkp is a diamond sponsor of the event and is publicizing it in its residential estates and shopping malls . shkp executive director michael wong named the top athletes event ambassadors : chan king yin 2006 windsurfing gold medalist , doha , daniel lee chi wo 2006 men s triathlon silver medalist , doha , ma kwok po 2006 gold medalist , windsurfing world junior youth championships , ho siu lun 2006 cycling bronze medalist , busan , former member of hong kong olympic windsurfing team ken wong and chung kin man , one of hong kong people to conquer the north and south poles and reach the highest points on the seven continents 新地執行董事黃奕鑒日前主持昂步棧道啟動禮,并委任五位代表香港參與國際賽事的健兒任活動大使,包括2006多哈亞運滑浪風帆金牌得主陳敬然2006多哈亞運三項鐵人銀牌得主李致和2006世界青少年滑浪風帆錦標賽冠軍馬國寶2002釜山亞運會單車銅牌得主何兆麟,以及前香港奧運滑浪風帆代表王合喜,而首批征服七大洲及南北極最高峰港人鍾建民亦為特別嘉賓,希望青少年能借鑒運動員的奮斗經驗,學習自我挑戰的精神。

Zhu qinan , the athens olympic gold medalist in the men ' s air rifle , and li jie , the silver winner after zhu in athens , didn ' t find the form that carried them to athens glory as both finished the 60 - shot competition with 594 points , a joint fourth place among the 42 competitors 朱啟南,雅典奧運會步槍的金牌得獎者,而劉杰是在拍在朱啟南之后的雅典奧運會步槍的銀牌得獎者,他們倆并沒有驕傲在雅典的榮耀,在完成60射擊比賽中都取得了594分的成績,在42名選手中取得了第四的位置。

Nowhere is vegetarianism more popular than in hollywood , where film stars such as tobey mcguire , natalie portman , dustin hoffman , christy turlington and joaquin phoenix have enthusiastically adopted vegetarian diets . moreover renowned athletes such as olympic gold medalist carl lewis , tennis star martina navratilova and many others are also turning veggie as society becomes aware of the moral , spiritual , physical , environmental and economic benefits of a meat - free way of life 而在好萊塢,這種飲食方式更是大為風行,吃素的影星諸如:陶比邁奎爾tobey mcguire納塔莉波特曼natalie portman達斯汀霍夫曼dustin hoffman克莉斯緹特靈頓christy turlington喬昆費尼可斯joaquin phoenix等人。

Zhu qinan , the athens olympic gold medalist in the men ' s air rifle , and li jie , the silver winner after zhu in athens , didn ' t find the form that carried them to athens glory as both finished the 60 - shot competition with 594 points , a joint fourth place among the 42 competitors 朱奇南是雅典奧運會男子氣步槍金牌得主,李杰是雅典奧運會男子氣步槍銀牌得主,沒有發揮出在雅奧運會中的水平,在比賽中雙雙打出了60發594環的成績,在42名選手中并列第四。

This is the story of two men who brave their way through a rough life to come up against each other in one great fight that will decide their destinies . tae - shik choi min - sik , once a silver medalist in the asian games , now gets paid to be beaten up in place of others in the middle of the street 39歲的姜泰植崔岷植飾演曾是名優秀的拳擊選手更在奧運會上奪過銀牌,可惜因沉迷賭博而斷送前途,亦令妻子嚷著離婚及帶走他唯一的希望他的兒子。

Zhu qinan , the athens olympic gold medalist in the men ' s air rifle , and li jie , the silver winner after zhu in athens , didn ' t find the form that carried them to athens glory as both finished the 60 - shot competition with 594 points , a joint fourth place among the 42 competitors 朱啟南和李杰分別是雅典奧運會男子氣槍賽的冠亞軍,但他們并沒找回當年雅典奧運會驍勇的狀態,兩位選手在60發的團體賽中都只打出了594環,在42名參賽選手中并列第四。

Zhu qinan , the athens olympic gold medalist in the men ' s air rifle , and li jie , the silver winner after zhu in athens , didn ' t find the form that carried them to athens glory as both finished the 60 - shot competition with 594 points , a joint fourth place among the 42 competitors 朱啟南,李杰在上屆雅典奧運會男子氣槍項目上分別獲得冠亞軍,但他們沒有將這種狀態帶到亞運會上,在60發射擊比賽上他們僅打出594環的成績,在42名選手中并列第四。

Zhu qinan , the athens olympic gold medalist in the men ' s air rifle , and li jie , the silver winner after zhu in athens , didn ' t find the form that carried them to athens glory as both finished the 60 - shot competition with 594 points , a joint fourth place among the 42 competitors 雅典奧運會男子氣步槍冠軍朱啟南和亞軍李杰并未發揮出在雅典奪冠時的輝煌水平,均以60發594環的成績結束比賽,在42名選手中排名第四

Liu xiang , china ' s first male gold medalist in an olympic track event , narrowly won the 110m hurdles at the shanghai golden grand prix on saturday , pipping former olympic and world champion allen johnson of the united states 中國首位獲得奧運會徑賽項目男子金牌的運動員劉翔,在周六的上海黃金大獎賽110米欄決戰中,險勝對手,在比賽最后時刻超過了前奧運和世界冠軍美國選手阿蘭?約翰遜。

Dora bakoyannis , mayor of athens , awarded chinese gold medalists in the 2004 olympic games honorary citizens of athens here on tuesday . strongmen zhang guozheng , shi zhiyong and sharpshooter wang yifu , received the award on behalf of the olympics winners 2005年9月27日晚,希臘大使館雅典市市長羅拉巴克雅尼向在雅典奧運會上獲得奧運冠軍的中國運動員頒發“雅典榮譽市民”證書。

Guo , 17 , winner of the 3m springboard event both in the last world championships in fukuoka , japan and here on friday , and wu , the bronze - medalist for 3m event here , entered the final as the top qualifiers with a preliminary total of 309 . 00 points 中國衛冕冠軍郭晶晶和吳敏霞星期天,在第十屆世界跳水錦標賽上,衛冕女子三米板雙人跳成功,再次摘得該項目金牌。

Hilton hotels launches its sponsorship of usa swimming with a los angeles event that will see olympic medalist michael phelps swim the first part of the distance to beijing ? in the los angles hilton swimming pool 希爾頓酒店創辦并贊助的美國游泳洛杉磯賽事,奧運會獎牌獲得者邁克爾菲爾普斯在游去北京奧運會前的第一站中亮相.在洛杉磯希爾頓游泳池里舉行。

The scene drawn in the above picture is this : standing tall on the medalists ' platform , the winner ' s conceit is apparent by the look on this face , while the two losers have clearly been made sad and miserable by their defeat 上面這幅畫描述的場景是:高高地站在領獎臺上的獲獎者,第一名的臉上寫滿了自負.而第二.三名則顯然為未獲第一而垂頭喪氣

Cheung chau is where hong kong s only olympic gold medalist , the windsurfer lee lai shan , learned her skills ; a monument to her achievement stands in the children s playground on tung wan 另一個令長洲聲名大噪的原因,是它培育了香港至今唯一一個奧運金牌得主-風帆好手李麗珊。東灣的兒童游樂場上,就樹立了一個紀念李麗珊的雕塑。

American international assurance company ( bermuda ) limited will provide insurance to the medalists of the 2004 olympics ( as well as the next asian games , east asian games and the beijing olympics ) 美國友邦保險(百慕達)有限公司提供保險計劃予二零零四奧運會的獎牌運動員(計劃亦包括來屆亞運會、東亞運動會及北京奧運會) ;

American international assurance company bermuda limited will provide insurance to the medalists of the 2004 olympics as well as the next asian games , east asian games and the beijing olympics 美國友邦保險百慕達有限公司提供保險計劃予二零零四奧運會的獎牌運動員計劃亦包括來屆亞運會東亞運動會及北京奧運會

Official web site of professional australian cyclist and olympic gold medalist luke roberts ( now a member of team csc ) . includes biography , diary , photo gallery and news 職業澳大利亞的騎車人和奧林匹克金獎章獲得者盧克?羅伯茨的正式網絡站點(現在隊csc的一個成員) 。包括傳記,日記,相片畫廊和新聞。

The enclosed photograph shows “ the hong kong olympics team special heartwarming stamp issue to feature silver medalists “ serviced souvenir cover to be issued on 7 october 2004 圖示為二四年十月七日起發行的“祝賀香港奧運代表隊在2004奧林匹克運動會勇奪乒乓球男子雙打銀牌”的已蓋銷紀念封。

Official site for the individual and team gold medalist at 1992 barcelona olympics and team gold at sydney 2000 olympic games . results , horse information , and olympics news 為在1992巴賽隆納奧林匹克的個人和在悉尼2000奧運會的隊黃金的正式地點。結果,馬信息,和奧林匹克新聞。