
medal n.獎章;徽章;勛章;紀念章;證章。 a medal o...


Multiple recipient of the presidential medal for excellence 純莉?兜羆參才吃徹

The nobel medal of prof . yang chen ning 楊振寧教授的諾貝爾獎章楊振寧教授近照

Jim carried off two gold medals in the track meet 吉姆在徑賽項目中奪得兩塊金牌。

Would they give you a medal , clarice , do you think 你會把它裝裱起來掛在墻上嗎?

Hong kong customs and excise long service medal - third clasp 香港海關長期服務獎章

I counted him lucky to have won the gold medal 我認為他獲得這枚金牌純屬走運。

Hong kong customs and excise long service medal - first clasp 香港海關長期服務獎章

Smileywant a fuckin ' medal ? hear me out , man 斯麥利想要一枚獎章? -聽他說,哥們

A i wonder how many gold medals china will win 我想知道中國總共能奪得多少金牌。

110m hurdles gold medal at 2002 asian games in 2002 2002年釜山亞運會110米欄冠軍

Sha congratulates asian games medal winners 民政事務局局長祝賀香港隊再奪亞運獎牌

Hong kong fire services medal for meritorious service fsmsm 香港消防事務榮譽獎章

Fsmsm hong kong fire services medal for meritorious service 香港消防事務榮譽獎章

You fought bravely . you shall have the medal 你戰斗得很勇敢,你應該得到獎章。

Remeber silver and bronze medals are also important 記住,銀牌和銅牌也很重要!

On winning the fourth grade perfect attendance medal 你獲得四年級優秀出勤獎章

Corrected medal display bugs and repetitions 修正了勛章顯示的錯誤和重復的錯誤。

Auxiliary medical service long service medal - gold medal 醫療輔助事務長期服務獎章

I wonder how many gold medals china will win 我想知道中國總共能奪得多少金牌。