
meconium n.【醫學】胎糞,胎尿;蛹便;〔廢語〕鴉片。


Methods 20 cases of test group and 20 cases of control group were assigned at random , with observation of the time of first flavor - meconium , with observation of the hour of sleep , the sleep quality , physiologic choloplania in 7 day which born 方法對隨機分為撫觸組和對照組的40例早產兒進行第1次胎糞變黃時間、生后第7天睡眠時間、睡眠質量、生理性黃疸的經皮測黃的測評。

Once the meconium is cleared , the breastfed babies will have yellowish stools which are soft and even slightly runny in consistency . they will have frequent bowel movements , sometimes after every feeding 稍后,吃人奶的寶寶大便較稀爛,呈黃色,大便的次數也會較多,有可能每次吃完奶都有大便。

Analysis of clinical characteristics and death related factors of severe meconium aspiration syndrome - a multi - center retrospective survey 重癥胎糞吸入綜合征患兒臨床與死亡相關因素分析

Appropriateness of intratracheal suction and washing in treatment of neonates with meconium - stained amniotic fluid 羊水糞染新生兒氣管內吸引和沖洗與否的探討及相關因素分析

Therapeutical observation of high - frequency oscillatory ventilation in neonates with severe meconium aspiration syndrome 高頻振蕩通氣治療新生兒重癥胎糞吸入綜合征

Relationship of lead levels in umbilical cord blood and meconium with neonatal neurobehavioral development 臍血鉛胎糞鉛含量與新生兒神經行為發育的關系

Curative effect observation on treating neonatal meconium aaspiration syndrome with mucosolvan assistantly 沐舒坦輔助治療新生兒胎糞吸入綜合征療效觀察

Retrospective study on 347 neonates with meconium - stained amniotic fluid managed by two methods 兩種方法處理羊水胎糞污染新生兒347例回顧性研究

In the first few days after birth , babies will pass thick dark - green substance called meconium 出生后的一兩天,寶寶會排出呈墨綠色的胎糞。

The analysis of the clinical - pathologic data of 87 patients with meconium aspiration syndrome 87例胎糞吸入綜合征臨床病理分析

The ambroxol help to cure infant meconium aspiration syndrome : the report of 15 cases 鹽酸氨溴索佐治新生兒胎糞吸入性肺炎15例

Therapeutic effects of ambroxol on neonatal meconium aspiration syndrome 沭舒坦治療新生兒胎糞吸入綜合征療效觀察

Clinical analysis of the delayed passage of meconium in preterm infants 早產兒胎糞排出延遲臨床分析

Efficacy of ambroxol in the treatment of meconium aspiration syndrome 試論奧古斯丁著作中的意愿

Dark greenish stools in the first 1 - 2 days ( meconium ) 首兩天大便為深綠色(胎糞) 。

Cases of newborn infant meconium aspiration syndrome 新生兒胎糞吸入綜合征30例30