
mechatronics n.機械電子學。


The present research at feature level has two main issues . one is absent research of the mechanism of their influences of feature information on the bit . the other is absent research of decreasing fa technologies especially fit to mechatronics bit technologies 目前在特征層降虛警研究方面主要存在兩方面的問題:一是缺乏從機理上研究特征層特征信息質量對bit診斷性能的影響;二是特征層降虛警技術研究尤其是和機電系統bit特點相適應的技術研究相對較少。

Supported by research on design technology of mechatronics bit , and taking the high bit far into account , this paper is aiming to solve the above two issues of the bit at feature level . the content of the dissertation is as follows . 1 本文在“十五”部委級課題“機電產品bit設計技術研究”的支持下,針對機電系統bit虛警率高和特征層降虛警方面存在的問題,系統分析了機電系統bit特征層導致虛警的機理,對特征層降低虛警的技術進行了深入研究。

In the field of mechatronics control such as robot control , machine tool control and so on . lots of future information can be used . therefore in order to improve the precision of trajectory control system and enhance robustness of a system , the optimal preview control can be adopted 在機器人、機床等機電控制領域中,可以利用未來目標值等未來信息的情況,采用最優預見控制來提高系統軌跡跟蹤控制的精度,增強系統的魯棒性。

In the thesis , the mathematical model of mechatronics soft start equipment is constructed by the analysis of belt conveyor ' s dynamic properties and the working theory of the mechatronics soft start equipment , the system simulation is conducted in matlab / simulink 本文通過對帶式輸送機的動態特性和機械電子式軟起動裝置工作原理的分析,建立了機械電子式軟起動裝置的數學模型,利用matlab / simulink對其進行了系統仿真。

Research interests include nonlinear control , adaptive control , visual tracking and servo , magnetic levitated system control , mechatronics , robotics theory and applications , automation scheduling of production system , home automation and e - commerce 敝人研究領域包括非線性控制、適應控制、影像追蹤與伺服、磁浮系統控制、機電整合、機器人理論與應用、生產系統自動化與排程,家庭自動化、與電子商務。

1 . under extensive reading home and abroad relevant literature , the principles the characteristics and the fields of application of all sorts of humidifiers are summarized and analyzed . and the application of mechatronics on humidifiers is expatiated 通過國內外大量相關文獻的檢索和研究,總結了各種類型加濕器的原理、特點以及應用范圍,并對機電一體化技術在加濕器上的應用進行了論述。

Mechatronics technology is mainly supported by automatic control technology and the executable parts of its products are mostly different kinds of electromotors , so controlling electromotor is an important content of mechatronics technology 機電一體化技術以自動控制技術為主要支撐技術,其產品的執行部件大多為各種類型的電動機,所以對電機的控制是機電一體化技術的一項重要內容。

Confined to the more strictly environmental law and green trade bulwark , it is necessary for mechatronics manufacturing to carrying out iso 14001 and pass the certification in order to improve the competitive strength and develop permanently 在日益嚴格的環境法規的約束和綠色貿易壁壘的限制下,實施iso14001體系并通過認證是機電產品制造企業長期發展和提高競爭力的必然選擇。

Finally , do experiment on mechatronics parameter coupling experiment bench and analyze performance of whole system via data and dynamic response curse of mechanism transmission system and servo system , at the same time , tuning and optimal parameter of experiment system 最后,通過實驗數據和系統動態響應曲線分析傳動系統和伺服系統整體性能指標,整定優化系統參數。

Mechatronics system is used widely in modern industry . it can facilitate the development of automation and influence every field within the mechatrocis . the design methodology determines the quality of products 機電設備在當今工業中得到廣泛地應用,它有效地加快了工業生產自動化的進程,影響著各行各業的發展,而其中設計方法直接決定著機電產品性能的好壞。

Mechatronics is developed rapidly in recent years , the development of mechatronics technology requires a student to possess both mechanical and control knowledge , and to be able to combine them in study and practice 機電一體化是近年來新興的一門學科,機電一體化技術的發展要求學生兼顧機械和控制技術兩方面的知識,并能在學習和實踐中將二者有機融合起來。

Research and development of the intellectualized measurement and control experimental system for the deep - sea mining system is an important investigative task of key technique of the mechatronics in the field of industrial measurement and control 摘要深海采礦智慧能測控實驗系統的研究和開發是機電一體化各項關鍵技術在工業測控領域的一個重要研究課題。

By the end of the course , students are capable of doing electromechanical design of the major classes of rotating and linear electric machines , and have an understanding of the principles of the energy conversion parts of mechatronics 課程結束后,學生將具備旋轉電機與線性電機等,主要類別的電機機械設計能力,并了解機械構件中的能量轉換原理。

The paper systematically expounds the mechatronics designing plan and mechanical motion principles of the robot and explores the remote - controlling means , controlling circuit and controlling strategies 摘要文章系統地闡述了該機器人的機電一體化設計思想及機構運動原理;分析和探討了遙控控制手段,控制電路及控制策略。

On the basis of analyzing the working process of belt conveyor , the control system of the mechatronics soft start equipment is studied , the hardware and software are designed for control system 在分析帶式輸送機的工作過程的基礎上,對機械電子式軟起動裝置的控制系統進行了研究,對控制系統進行了硬件與軟件設計。

Students can be mastery of the whole course of designing mechatronics system and servo driving technology , especially , in mechatronics coupling , via doing experiment on this experiment bench 通過該實驗臺的實驗,同學們可以了解和掌握機電系統設計的全過程和伺服驅動技術,尤其是機械和電子的耦合方面。

Student can grasp the digital control technique , cultivate the ability of control theory application and improve the comprehension of mechatronics with the aid of the system we implement 本文所設計系統便于學生掌握以計算機為核心的數字控制技術,培養對控制理論的應用能力,加深對機電一體化概念的理解。

The project was started in april 2004 and it plans to introduce into the enterprises of electronic information , it , opto - mechatronics , fine mechanics , fine chemical industry and biological medicine 該項目已于2005年4月破土動工,現擬引進電子信息、 it 、光機電、精密機械、精細化工和生物醫藥等行業的企業。

Siemens vdo automotive is one of the growing business units in siemens group and also a world - leading supplier of automotive electronics , electrical systems and mechatronics 西門子威迪歐汽車電子是西門子集團正在發展的業務單元之一,同時也是全球領先的汽車電子裝置、電氣系統和機械電子裝置的供應商。