
mechanize vt.使機械化;用機械裝備;用機械操作。 a mecha...


Soft - disk sprout cultivation technology for mechanized planting rice 機械化栽插水稻軟盤育秧技術

Create high - yield fully - mechanized face by management of science 靠科學抓管理創建高產綜采工作面

Technical specification for mechanized mortar spray and plane construction 機械噴涂抹灰技術規程

Open - off cut bolt supporting in fully mechanized top - coal caving face 綜放面開切眼錨桿支護技術

Technical specification for mechanized mortar sprayand plane construction 機械噴涂抹灰技術規程

A number of mechanized pits here have been put into operation 已有許多機械化的礦井投入生產。

What does mechanized identity look like 機械化身份看起來像什么?

Discussion on mechanized harvest with question of environment 機械化收割與環境保護問題的探討

The mechanized cultivation technique of alfalfa 苜蓿機械化栽培技術

Study on virtual scene ' s modeling of fully mechanized mining face 虛擬綜采工作面場景建模研究

Definition of reasonable parameters of fully mechanized caving face 綜放工作面合理參數的確定

Technical solutions to mechanized reaping of cubic stalk plants 特種加工技術的應用及發展趨勢

Technology for fully mechanized longwall coal mining face through fault 綜采工作面過斷層技術

Applied analysis on mechanized drying trench planting technology 機械化旱作溝播技術應用分析

Technical analysis of forage and straw mechanized processing 飼草和秸稈機械化加工的技術分析

Analysis on mechanized drying test result of chinese prickly ash 花椒機械化烘干試驗效果分析

Gas control in fully mechanized caving face 綜采放頂煤工作面瓦斯治理

Discussion on crossing the leak roof for fully mechanized mining face 淺談綜采工作面過漏頂

The cultivation technique of the mechanized rice planting directly 機械化水稻直播栽培技術