
mechanistic adj.1. 機械論的;依據機械論的。2.機械學的;力學...


It indicates that although this procedure has introduced the mechanistic - empirical method , but still is not perfect in design theory : one is about bearing capacity evaluation method and device . the currently used device - benkelman beam is dropping behind the development of the pavement testing service ; the other is about the mechanistic method that used in overlay design . it simplifies the original pavement and subgrade as a whole half infinite space , this is not true in the real layered pavement structure 綜合分析了各種罩面設計方法的原理及其優缺點,對于我國目前設計規范中所采用的罩面設計方法進行了詳細的分析與研究,指出了它雖然已經采用了力學與經驗相結合的設計方法,但仍然存在著明顯的不足之處:一方面是舊路承載能力評價設備仍然采用貝克曼梁,檢測手段落后;另一方面,在力學設計方法中,對于舊路承載能力的評估忽略了舊路面結構的分層,而是采用了近似的彈性半空間體,給出了舊路頂面的綜合回彈模量。

Here we show that seeral of these targets sensitize lung cancer cells to paclitaxel concentrations 1 , 000 - fold lower than otherwise required for a significant response , and we identify mechanistic relationships between cancer - associated aberrant gene expression programmes and the basic cellular machinery required for robust mitotic progression 在研究中我們結果顯示這些靶目標使得肺癌細胞對于1000倍濃度的紫杉醇敏感性低于另外一種要求的顯著反應,由此我們確定了在腫瘤相關異常基因表達過程中和簡單的細胞機制中強大有絲分裂進程兩者間的機制關系。

“ fly across a company “ the production that has high quality and scientific research team , own top - ranking manufacturing environment and technological equipment , the place of scientific research courtyard such as institute of computer of as mechanistic as university of hua zhongke ability , shanghai university courtyard , shaanxi builds long - term new product development and technical collaboration relation , develop continuously for the enterprise lay solid foundation “飛越公司”擁有高素質的生產和科研隊伍,擁有一流的生產環境和工藝設備,與華中科技大學、上海大學機械學院、陜西計算機研究所等科研院所建立長期的新產品開發和技術合作關系,為企業持續發展奠定堅實基礎。

It is hoped that the research will depart from the metaphysical and mechanistic thoughts in the traditional school . it also aims to break the one - to - many relationship between the abstract journalism concept and the real practice so that it can make contributions to journalism theoretical research , the combination of journalism theory with practice , and journalism education 筆者希望借此研究,突破傳統理論思維的形而上性與機械性;打破新聞學抽象概念與現實操作中以“一”對“多”的對立局面,以使該方法獲得新聞理論研究的方法論意義,從而達到對新聞理論研究、新聞理論與實踐相結合以及新聞學教育作出貢獻的真誠愿望。

Based on multi - scale observations ( from site to landscape to regional ) , develop cross - scaling approaches ( mainly mechanistic ecosystem models ) to quantify , understand , predict , and assess changes in ecosystem patterns , processes , and services in responses to environmental changes , human disturbance and management 開展站點、景觀和區域的多尺度觀測,發展跨尺度機理分析和模型模擬方法;認識不同尺度生態系統過程對環境條件變化,人類活動干擾和管理的響應和適應機制;定量表達、認識、預測和評估全球變化背景下的生態系統格局、過程和服務功能變化。

Both an amended meyer - peter formula and a stochastic - mechanistic formula for nonuniform bedload are firstly used to calculate the hourly , monthly and yearly bedload flux in the changjiang estuary respectively . the results show that bedload of about 6 , 000 , 000 tons is transported through the xuliujing section into the river mouth in 1998 , which accounts for 1 . 2 % of the total sediment flux 結果表明, 1998年長江口自徐六涇斷面凈入海推移質數量約為600萬噸,占總輸沙量的1 . 2 ,而通過數值計算獲得長江口非均勻沙的推移質數量至今未見報道。

Traditionary mechanistic limited by specialized subject , is confined as a private action . a designer working on the condition of stand - alone or lonely user , even in a design group , can not able to share his design works . the requests of different specialitis are different , which makes reiteration of design project and wastes time and manpower 并行工程的協同效應使得各部門協調工作,能夠對眾多方案進行即使準確的評價,以達到最優方案,能使在不同地區的設計、制造人員和企業,在不同的計算機上分工協作、共同高效的完成一個復雜的問題。

The multi - magnet suspension system of maglev is a multi - input and multi - output correlation control system in essential . but generally , the structure of modern maglev vehicle is modularized , and the spring stiffness of the second suspension is small , such structure can resolve mechanistic coupling of vehicle . so the methods of separate control are used very common in maglev suspension control systems 磁浮列車的多磁鐵懸浮系統實質上是一個多輸入、多輸出的相關控制系統,但是現在的磁浮列車車輛一般采用模塊化結構,而且二次懸掛彈簧的剛度系數較小,可以實現機械解耦,所以在控制系統中,往往采用分散控制的方法。

The models identified by the data - based mechanistic ( dbm ) black - box method can not only explain the data in a statistically efficient , parsimonious manner , they also provide an acceptable interpretation of the system under study . so it has been widely utilized in the black - box identification , especially the identification of the nonlinear and non - stationary systems 由于基于數據的機械論( data - basedmechanistic , dbm )黑箱辨識算法得到的模型具有形式簡單、統計有效和物理意義清晰的特點,因此在現代黑箱問題的辨識中特別是非線性非穩態系統的辨識中得到了一定程度的應用。

The mechanistic model and damage model of this method is reviewed theoretically . finally , we use this new method and the other several procedures using currently to calculate a case example . it indicates that this method can derive a effective result comparing to the other existing procedures , but for the real use in the true pavement overlay design , we should still to improve it in the empirical part of this method to get more accurate results 選用相應的結構模型和損傷模型,從理論上闡述了這一方法的思路及過程,最后結合一工程實例,分別采用其它現有方法與本文的新方法進行對比設計,結果表明可以得到有效的結果,說明了理論上此方法的合理性,但一致性不好,仍需從經驗設計理論方面加以完善,才能達到實用化的程度。

In order to understand the influence of the structure of homologous rna molecules and expression dosage on plant gene silencing , and the inhibitory and general mechanistic effects of some plant virus encoded proteins on silencing , i have carried out the research below 為了認識同源性rna的結構形式和表達劑量對誘發植物基因沉默的影響,以及某些植物病毒編碼蛋白對基因沉默的抑制作用,為深入了解植物基因沉默的機制提供更多的資料,本論文就以下內容開展了研究。

To reduce the mechanistic load and thermal load of rta52l “ type marine low speed diesel engines , the paper also discuss about the chosen , optimize and energy saving regarding compress ratio , the maximum combustion compress and other main parameters 為了降低rta52u型船用低速柴油機的機械負荷和熱負荷,通過仿真計哈爾濱卜程人學碩十學位論義一算和對比分析,本文還就有關壓縮比、最人燃燒壓力等主要參數的取值。

Several mechanistic studies indicated that the structural features necessary for the expression of mutagenic activity include a hydroxyl group at position c13 and an unsaturated bond joining the c16 and c17 carbon atoms of steviol 多項生理機能研究顯示,顯露基因突變的特性結構位于甜菊醇c13位置的羥基組,以及連結c16和c17碳原子的不飽和鏈。

His colleague , michael beer , says that far too many companies have applied re - engineering in a mechanistic fashion , chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long - term profitability 參考譯文]他的同事邁克爾?比爾說,有太多的公司已經用一種機械的方式實行公司內部的重新設計,在沒有充分考慮長期贏利的能力下削減了成本。

The future of the literature - art consumption study should therefore adopt an integrated approach instead of mechanistic reductionism in order to penetrate the myth of the literature - art consumption 今日的文藝消費研究應轉換思路,以整體論的方法包容和超越近代以來的分析方法,以整體有機論取代機械還原論,以揭橥文藝消費問題的玄奧。

The discovery history of water channels in cell membranes , the structural and mechanistic studies of ion channels are discussed . the discoveries are of great importance to medicine 摘要細胞膜水通道的發現,以及離子通道結構和機理的研究構成了2003年諾貝爾化學獎的主要內容。文章探索了這些發現的研究過程以及它們對醫學研究的重要性。

His colleague , michael beer , says that far too many companies have applied re - engineering in a mechanistic fashion , chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long - term profitability 他的同事邁克爾?比爾說,有太多的公司已經用一種機械的方式實行公司內部的重新設計星座與血型在沒有充分考慮長期贏利的能力下削減了成本。

This thesis sets out from the intersection of computer supported cooperative work science and mechanistic design and manufacture theory , studies haw to apply the cooperative work to mechanistic design and manufacture industry 本文從協同科學和機械設計制造理論的交叉學科領域出發,研究如何把協同有效的應用于機械設計制造行業。

His colleague , michael beer , says that far too many companies have a lied re - engineering in a mechanistic fashion , cho ing out costs without giving sufficient thought to long - term profitability 他的同事邁克爾& ; # 8226 ;比爾說,有太多的公司已經用一種機械的方式實行公司內部的重新設計,在沒有充分考慮長期贏利的能力下削減了成本。