
mechanism n.1.(機械)結構;機械裝置[作用];(故事的)結構。...


It is interesting to inquire into the exact mechanism of this energy loss . 確切地查明這一能量損失的作用過程還是有意義的。

The mechanism of tackification of rubbers by resins is not completely understood . 有關橡膠被樹脂增粘的機理尚未完全了解。

This mechanism sometimes leads to an interference between groups of organisms . 這種機理有時引起生物群體之間的相互干擾。

Such endoreduplication provides a mechanism for producing extra gene copies . 這種內復制提供了產生額外的基因復制的機理。

For the lateral movement of solids we again need to specify a mechanism . 對固體顆粒的橫向運動,我們還需提出一種機制。

During this stage the atomic system acts as an energy storage mechanism . 在這個階段,原子系統的作用如同能量存儲機構。

Clearly some large and important piece of the mechanism had failed . 很顯然,車上的某個大而且關鍵的部件出故障了。

The reason is a fundamental one associated with the mechanism of light emission . 其基本原因涉及到光發射的機理。

A miracle worker is a mechanism for avoiding hard choices . 能夠創造奇跡的人就是能夠設法避免作出棘手的選擇的人。

The amplitude at the driven end is fixed by the driving mechanism . 由于驅動機構的作用,使驅動端的振幅保持不變。

Electromagnetic theory was able to predict the mechanism of the reflection . 電磁理論能夠推算出反射的作用過程。

Two important observations contributed to development of this mechanism . 兩種重要的觀察促進了這一機理的發展。

Clearly aqueous preservative systems must possess a fixation mechanism . 顯然,水溶性防腐劑必須有固定的歷程。

I learned her slatternly ways, the routine and mechanism of her charm . 我了解她的邋遢習慣,施展魁力的手段。

The exact mechanism of fruit bud formation is incompletely understood . 花芽分化的確切機制還沒有完全搞清楚。

The dna of bacteria is replicated by a semiconservative mechanism . 細菌的DNA是通過一種半保守性機理復制的。

The details of these mechanisms are still being debated by researchers . 這些機理的細節,研究者仍各持己見。

In the laser this damping mechanism can be visualized as follows . 在激光器中,這種阻尼機理可以如下理解。

Geographic distance provided the mechanism for resolving the dispute . 地理上的距離提供了解決爭議的途徑。