
mechanician n.技師;機械學家;技工。


As the commonly used foundations in the bridge engineering , large - diameter bored piles have many advantages , such as high bearing capacity , good stability , little and homogeneous vertical settlement , facility for mechanician construction and good applicability 樁基礎是一種常用的橋梁基礎型式,具有承載力高、穩定性好、沉降量小而均勻、便于機械化施工及適用性強等特點。

11 i am a mechanician . ( electrician , pipelayer , welder , carpenter , turner , blacksmith , builder , erector , riveter , rigger , concrete worker , engine - driver , repair worker ) 我是一個機械工。 (電工、管工、焊工、木工、車工、鐵工、建筑工人、安裝工人、鉚工、起重工、混凝土工、司機、維修工) 。