
meatus n.(pl. meatuses, meatus ) 〔拉...


Pledgets imbibed with cocaine solution are then placed under direct visualization into the middle meatus , the inferior meatus , and along the nasal septum . xylocaine with epinephrine is then used to infiltrate the lateral nasal wall , the uncinate process , and the head and inferior portions of the middle turbinate 將浸有的卡因的脫脂棉片直接置于中鼻道,下鼻道和中鼻甲表面,再使用利多卡因和腎上腺素浸潤鼻腔外側壁鉤突和中鼻甲。

The anterior face of the middle turbinate is incised and the concha bullosa identified . it is then sectioned vertically with straight scissors up to its posterior limit . the lateral portion is then removed , opening the region of the middle meatus 從中鼻甲的前面切入后識別并用直剪垂直分開泡性鼻甲至其后界,接著移去泡性鼻甲的側面,暴露中鼻道,此時可以即可顯示竇口鼻道復合體的結構。

An anterior sigmoid sinus tend to be observed when the distance between petrous back wall and external auditory canal is shorter . 5 . 11 / 40 ( 27 . 5 % ) posterior lip of internal acoustic meatus cover facial nerve more than 1 / 3 氣化的乳突其顳骨巖部后骨板與外耳道后壁之間距離較大,外耳道后壁和顳骨巖部后硬腦膜之間距離也反映了乙狀竇前移程度,該距離愈小,乙狀竇愈有前移傾向。

Nasal endoscopy allows demonstration of structures that are difficult to visualize . the region of the middle meatus is examined carefully , and presence of paradoxical curvature or concha bullosa is noted 鼻內窺鏡能顯示鼻腔內肉眼無法看到的結構,可以仔細的檢查中鼻道區域和顯示異常的彎曲和泡性鼻甲。

Now the urethral tissue has been trimmed , and has been brought through the lower incision in the vulva , creating the new urethral meatus 現在尿道的組織已經修整好,并且從會陰上較低的那個開口拉出來,開辟成一個新的泌尿管道。

And demodectic acne rosacea , demodectic blepharitis , demodectic pruritus in external auditory meatus and demodectic papillitis are the common demodicidosis 蠕形螨病好發部位多見于鼻、瞼緣、外耳道,面部皮膚等。

Every cover board has designed line meatus . the line can come out expediently . the raised floor of oamoal more function is fit 每塊蓋板均設出線口,可隨意出線。

Meatus clamp forceps 耳道夾鉗

Atrium meatus nasi medii 鼻中道前房

Coverborad for exceeding line meatus 出線口蓋板

Foramina cartilaginis meatus acustici externi 外耳道軟骨孔