
meat n.1.(食用)肉。2.〔古語〕食物;〔古語〕餐。3.(...

meat chopper

She cut the meat into cubes . 她把肉切成小塊兒。

In the shop, he learnt to cut meat so quite nicely . 在肉店里,他學會了相當出色地剁肉。

Mince the meat and the onion . 把肉和洋蔥剁碎吧。

Help yourself to some more meat . 請再吃一點肉吧。

Eat more vegetable and less meat . 多吃蔬菜少吃肉。

A family on a budget can not afford meat every day . 經濟拮據的家庭不能每天享用肉食。

The meat was cooked to rags [a pulp] . 肉煮得稀爛。

Meat does n't keep in this hot weather . 肉擱不住。

The meat is roasted just enough . 這肉烤得恰到好處。

To sell horse meat as beefsteak is their usual practice . 掛羊頭賣狗肉是他們的慣技。

Salt is a preservative for meat . 鹽是肉類的防腐劑。

This stir-fried meat is very tender . 這肉炒得很嫩。

Scandal and gossip are meat and drink to him . 各種丑聞和流言蜚語是他最感興趣的事。

This meat is off. throw it away ! 這肉壞了,丟掉它吧!

Retail meat prices are likely to be higher soon . 肉類零售價格可能很快要繼續上漲。

The meat was cooked to perfection . 這肉烹調得好極了。

This meat should be seasoned with salt and mustard . 這肉里應該加點鹽和芥末調味。

I don't hanker after squirrel meat . 我不喜歡吃松鼠肉。

China is an attractive piece of meat coveted by all . 中國是一塊肥肉,誰都想吃。