mealtime n.吃飯時間。
n. 吃飯時間。 “being a guest at mealtime“ 中文翻譯: 做客吃飯“mealv“ 中文翻譯: (粗)粉狀的;撒上粉的“mealticket“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.飯票。 2.〔美俚〕供給吃飯〔生活費〕的人;施舍的人;老好人,易被欺騙的人,傻子。 3.賴以為生的東西〔指手藝、才能、雙手等〕。 “mealworm“ 中文翻譯: 面粉中的甲蟲之幼蟲; 擬步甲科; 生于谷類“mealsles invasion of eyes“ 中文翻譯: 瘡痘入眼“mealworm factor“ 中文翻譯: 粉蟲因子“mealsgate“ 中文翻譯: 米爾斯蓋特“mealy“ 中文翻譯: adj. (mealier; -iest) 1.粉狀的;粉質的;富含淀粉的;(翅等)有粉的;(臉色等)蒼白的;(馬)毛色有白花的。 2.〔口語〕說話委婉的;甜言蜜語的。 “meals-on-wheels“ 中文翻譯: 流動供膳車“mealy amazon“ 中文翻譯: 班點亞瑪遜“meals on wheels“ 中文翻譯: 輪車餐
mealy |
Over the past three years , transport department ( “ td “ ) has received a total of eight comments or complaints from representatives of the trade unions of franchised bus companies or individual bus drivers expressing their grievances about drivers being arranged to operate various routes on the same day , unreasonable mealtime and prolonged duty time , etc 運輸署在過往三年共收到八個來自專營巴士員工工會代表或個別巴士車長的意見或投訴,表示不滿巴士車長被編排在一天內駕駛多條路線、用膳時間不合理及工時過長等。 |
Be prepared that he will be messy at first . instead of avoiding the messiness by either feeding him or criticizing him , take some precaution measures such as giving him an apron or protecting the floor with sheets of newspaper would make you feel easier . staying out of seat at mealtime is quite common among toddlers . remember to 別忘了要容忍他在學習進食的過程中弄得一片臟亂,寧可事前做好防備措施,如用圍巾、地上鋪上報紙等,也不要因怕煩而不讓他有學的機會,或責罰他。 |
The security monitor on the wall automatically indicates the situation in each room : the refrigerator , storage and closet in the kitchen are in the normal state . electricity rice cooker and microwave oven have started their work ; in the lavatory , the intelligent tub has been fully filled with water and the monitor of intelligent closestool warns to you that you should reinforce iron element in today s mealtime ; solar store displays that there is still enough power to maintain normal operation . . 墻壁上的安全監視器自動顯示各屋情況:廚房里的冰箱儲物箱及櫥柜處于正常狀態,電飯煲微波爐已開始工作衛生間里的智能浴盆已為您放好了熱水,智能座便上的顯示器提醒您今天進餐該補鐵了太陽能儲存器顯示已經有足夠的動力來維持運轉 |
In addition , sociocultural reasons such as alcoholic beverages generally being consumed only at parties and during mealtimes , strong social sanctions against drunkards and drunken behavior , and the presence of a strong confucian moral ethic , have accounted for the drinking behavior of chinese individuals 而社會文化原因,如不鼓勵獨飲、酒醉鬧事被視為禁忌、以及尊循孔夫子的禮教等等,也都是常被引用來解釋,為何華人會出現有較低酒癮盛行率。 |
The room in which the boys were fed , was a large stone hall , with a copper at one end : out of which the master , dressed in an apron for the purpose , and assisted by one or two women , ladled the gruel at mealtimes 孩子們進食的場所是一間寬敞的大石廳,一口鋼鍋放在大廳一側,開飯的時候,大師傅在鍋邊舀粥,他為此還特意系上了圍裙,并有一兩個女人替他打雜。 |
Quiet , elegant meal space , thoughtful service and tasty , delicious delicacies are provided to meet friends in business or pleasure in a comfortable , cozy mealtime . enjoy your meal in a wonderful atmosphere 寂靜典雅的用餐空間,體貼細心的服務及美味精的珍味佳肴,期望蒞臨于此洽公或與友聚會的您,都可在這舒適溫馨的用餐氣氛中,獲得絕佳的視覺及味覺享受。 |
And as he was very interested in painting , mr . hsu came often to the exhibit to appreciate master s art work and longevity lamps , and even joined the fellow practitioners at mealtime since he frequently ate vegetarian meals 燈展期間,對繪畫很有興趣的場長,時常來欣賞師父的畫作及燈飾,并與我們一起用餐,他平時也常吃素,之后還報名修方便法。 |
Imperfect table manners , like spitting food out , appear quite common in the preschool set , though certain mealtime habits may signal a wider behavioral problem , a preliminary study suggests 不完美的餐桌禮儀,像是把食物吐出來,在學前兒童的生活中似乎頗為常見。但是一項初步研究指出,特定的進食習慣可能反映更廣泛的行為問題。 |
Throughout the meditation sessions , the hall was completely quiet , as everyone was deeply absorbed in meditative bliss . even when the music sounded to signal mealtime , many initiates sat motionless , reluctant to move 在打坐時段,整個大殿靜默無聲,同修們沈浸在深深的禪悅之中,當用餐休息的樂聲響起后,許多同修仍安坐不動。 |
And mealtime is often the only chance parents have to actually look over their busy teenagers , catch up on their lives and visually assess behavioral or physical changes that might signal problems 而且吃飯時間讓家長能藉機好好認真看看他們忙碌的青少年,了解他們的生活和從外觀上評定小孩生理或行為可能發生問題的跡象。 |
Hen it s mealtime on board the space shuttle discovery scheduled for launch next week , john glenn won t be sucking applesauce out of a tube like he did on his earth orbit 36 years ago 發現號太空梭預計下個星期發射升空,當約翰葛倫在太空中用餐時,將不會再像他36年前在地球軌道上飛行時,要從導管吸食蘋果醬。 |
Td has issued guidelines on work schedule of bus drivers to all franchised bus companies . bus operators are responsible for making appropriate arrangements on driving duty and mealtime for their staff 運輸署有就巴士車長工作時間向各專營巴士公司發出指引,巴士公司有責任適當地安排員工的工作及用膳細節。 |
By continuously monitoring the blood sugar levels of 10 patients with the disease , researchers found that the stimulant amplified the increase in glucose levels after mealtimes 通過對10位患有這種疾病的患者的血糖水平進行持續監測,研究人員發現這種興奮劑(譯注:指咖啡因)增大餐后葡萄糖水平的上升幅度。 |
That would also be good opportunity for parent - child interaction and making mealtime an interesting experience . after your child reaches one year of age , you can let him try feeding himself 盡量讓孩子與成人同桌進食,一方面可以增加他模仿成人的進餐禮儀,也可制造親子溝通的機會,提高進食的興趣。 |
Images of < final campaign > stuck deeply inside ; we had a hard time in thailand , staying there for four , five days straight , and snatching food with the flies during mealtime everyday 影像最深的是《最后的戰役》 ,我們在泰國拍得很辛苦,連續四五天住在那里,每天吃的東西都像在跟蒼蠅搶食物一樣。 |
During mealtime , have your child sitting together with the family at the dining table to learn from observing and imitating the adult s table manner and healthy eating habit 在預備食物時可以讓孩子幫上小忙,他有份兒參與,對食物的興趣便自然會提高。還有,成人自己也要作榜樣,幫助孩子 |
Leaving aside the dainty sandwiches and tiny cakes , tea is one of life s great essentials for chinese people , who drink it throughout the day and especially at mealtime 一如其他華人社會,茗茶也是香港人的喜好。這里匯聚中外名茶,無論是茶具或泡茶方式,同樣講究。 |
Td recently received comments from franchised bus staff unions about the number of routes and buses operated in a day as well as mealtime arrangement 運輸署最近收到專營巴士員工工會關于車長就每日駕駛的路線數目、巴士數目和用膳時間等方面的訴求。 |
Note that the diet in this region is high in saturated fats , and that they typically drink at mealtimes when alcohol is more easily absorbed 值得注意的是,該地區的飲食結構中飽和脂肪占很大比重,而人們通常在就餐時飲酒,此時酒精易于吸收。 |