
meager adj.(人、動物等)瘦的;(土地)不毛的;粗陋的,貧弱...


Hopes the technical service system whichwe consummates to be able for various enterprises ' energy to save , thedevelopment most meager strength 但愿我們完善的技術服務體系能為各企業的能源節約、發展盡微薄之力。

Individual power is pitifully meager ; she oscillates between feeling good and bad , as if she knows that this is a never - ending movement 個人力量何其渺小,她心情忽高忽低,彷佛知道這是一場沒完沒了的運動。

China is a developing country with a large population , a meager heritage and an underdeveloped economy , especially in the rural areas 中國是一個發展中國家,人口多,底子薄,經濟不發達,農村尤其不發達。

A meager cat is seeking foods in the ruins of a greenbelt under construction by shanghai suzhou river , sept . 8 , 2003 2003年9月8日,上海蘇州河邊上正在建設一個大型公共綠地,一只瘦骨嶙峋的貓在廢墟上覓食。

The next day , i stopped by again to hug my friend goodbye and give the girls meager gifts of skittles and coloring books 次日我又來到他家與湯姆道別,還帶來了給他女兒的小禮物,有彩色書還有小玩具。

Link chang too as usual in the past , insist on as “ innovate have not limit , quality for 1 “ meager profit but high turnover tenet 聯昌也一如既往,堅持以“創新無止境、質量為第一”薄利多銷的宗旨。

I see millions of families trying to live on incomes so meager that the pall of family disaster hangs over them day by day 我看到數百萬家庭收入微薄,勉強度日,每天都在家庭悲劇的陰影籠罩之下。

Because of our meager understanding of hegelian metaphysics , the study of hegel in china is not prosperous enough 我國黑格爾研究有些蕭條,與我們對黑格爾的形而上學的理解有很大關系。

The subsequent “ once off provisions “ can only be seen as a meager consolation and described as “ too little , too late “ 事后推出的一次過措施也只是姍姍來遲的派糖行動。

Because it was so late , the prime rib was overdone , and the selection of regular 42 ) desserts was 43 ) meager 因為上菜很慢、肋眼牛排煮得太老,而且可供選擇的餐后甜點種類匱乏。

Funds for malaria research and development amount to a meager 0 . 3 percent of all medical expenditures worldwide 供研究瘧疾的基金的總數不足全世界醫療費用支出的0 . 3 % 。

“ the report that first reached us through the newspapers was meager and contradictory ” ( thomas b . aldrich ) “最初通過報紙傳到我們這里的報道既不全面又互相矛盾” 。

Meager studies on historical xueshu geography : base on studies on historical xueshu geography since 1980s 以20世紀80年代以來的歷史學術地理研究為例

They worked long hours on meager food , in cold caves , by dim lamps 他們吃的是簡陋的飯菜,住的是寒冷的窯洞,在昏暗的燈光下長時間地工作。

He related how on several occasions he was robbed of his meager possessions and beaten 他講述他怎么好幾次被人搶走他貧乏的財產和被打。

The meager opinion about problems and countermeasures of financial management in colleges and universities 高校財務管理問題與對策芻議

The meager opinion of adult ' s higher education enrolment examination system reformation 進一步加強我國成人高等教育考試改革芻議

Her meager income just offsets family outgoings , she remains hand - to - mouth 她的微薄薪金僅夠抵消家庭開支,故此她只能現掙現吃。

I worked long hours on meager food , in cold cellar , by dim lamps 我吃簡陋的飲食,住寒冷的地窖,靠微弱的燈光,長時間也工作。