
mawson n.莫森〔姓氏〕。


The hon mr justice lugar - mawson , of the court of first instance of the high court , after hearing the submission made by the counsel for the appellant , said that immediate imprisonment was to be expected in tax evasion offence , quoting the sentencing guidelines laid down by the court of appeal in a former tax evasion case of mr . ma lai wu 高等法院原訟法庭法官馬永新于聆聽上訴代表大律師陳詞后,引述上訴庭于前馬禮湖逃稅個案中所發出逃稅罪行應判即時入獄的指引,及表示原審裁判官判刑時已小心考慮辯方所有求情的理據,判刑亦非不恰當及過重,因此駁回有關上訴。

Renae baker , a scientist with the australian bureau of meteorology , snapped this picture of a rare nacreous cloud on july 25 at the country ' s antarctic mawson station 雷納?貝克是澳洲氣象署的一位科學家。他在7 . 25日拍下了這張罕見的珍珠光澤的片。