
mawkish adj.1.叫人作嘔的;討厭的;不好吃的,無味的。2.易...


You d hear of odd things if i lived alone with that mawkish , waxen face : the most ordinary would be painting on its white the colours of the rainbow , and turning the blue eyes black , every day or two : they detestably resemble linton s 如果我跟那個讓人惡心的蠟臉同居,你會聽到古怪事情的。最平常的是每隔一兩天那張白臉上就要畫上彩虹的顏色,而且藍眼睛就要變成黑的,那雙眼睛跟林敦的眼睛相像得令人討厭。 ”

Viewers are overloaded with mawkish [ 26 ] pictures that the curators call “ gothic gloomth ” , borrowing a phrase from horace walpole 眾多索然無味的繪畫充斥著觀眾的視野,美術館長們引用賀瑞斯?沃波爾的一條成語,把這些畫稱作“哥特式晦暗” 。

Softly she gave me in my mouth the seedcake warm and chewed . mawkish pulp her mouth had mumbled sweet and sour with spittle 她把嘴里輕輕地咀嚼得熱乎乎的香籽糕248遞送到我的嘴里。

O the big doggy - bowwowsywowsy ! wine soaked and softened rolled pith of bread mustard a moment mawkish cheese 葡萄酒把嘴里那卷起來的面包心芥末和令人一陣惡心的奶酪都浸軟了。