
maunder vi.1.〔英方〕嘮嘮叨叨地講,咕噥。2.徘徊;閑逛;沒...


When philosophy ha maundered ponderously for a month , telling the individual what he must do , the individual says , in an instant , “ i like , ” and does something else , and philosophy goes glimmering 當哲學長篇大論,侃侃而談了一個月,告訴一個人該如何做,那人只簡短回一句:我喜歡,然后置之不理,哲學就閃爍而滅。

During this long period , the number of sunspots on the sun got very low . the 11 - year sunspot cycle essentially disappeared . this sunspot deficient period is called the “ maunder minimum “ 那段期間,太陽黑子數目非常低,太陽黑子約十一年的周期可說消失無蹤,我們稱這段幾乎沒有黑子的時期為蒙德爾極小期。

Seated all day at the organ . maunder on for hours , talking to himself or the other fellow blowing the bellows 307一連嘮叨308上幾個鐘頭,不是自言自語,就是跟那個替他拉風箱309的人說話。

Maunder butterfly diagram 芒得蝴蝶圖

Don ' t just maunder about : do some work 別光閑蕩了,做點正經事吧

The drunk sat there maundering ( on ) about his troubles 那醉鬼坐在那里嘮叨著自己的煩惱事

He had survived and maundered and pined . 他活下來了,變得沒精打采,郁郁寡歡。