
matter-of-fact adj.事實上的,實際上的,如實的,實事求是的;平凡的,...


Many of the terms used in the most matter-of-fact way by this great assemblage of the first ladies and gentlemen in the land would have made a comanche blush . 這一大群人明明都是國中最上等的紳士淑女,但是他們用最實事求是的態度說出話來,所用的字眼兒有許多都是讓科芒契人聽了都得面紅耳赤的。

He just did his job in a matter-of-fact way and was not to be interested in gaining merit , but only in avoiding making mistakes . 他在工作上進取心不大,常常是不求有功,但求無過。

“ever any madness in your family!“ he asked, in a matter-of-fact tone . “你家中曾有過瘋癲癥病史嗎!”他用一種似乎十分有把握的口氣問。

Victor henry narrated his bomber adventure in a matter-of-fact way . 維克多亨利實事求是地把他在轟炸機上的冒險經歷敘述了一遍。

He exuded a rectitude so matter-of-fact that he never needed to appeal to it . 他辦事公正,實事求是,本性如此,無需申述。

We should take a matter-of-fact attitude towards the matter . 對這個問題,我們應當有求實精神。