
matrices n.matrix 的復數。


The zero or null matrix denoted by 0 is definde as a matrix all of whose elements are zero . 如果一個矩陣的所有元素都為零,則稱它為零矩陣。

Networks for which these matrices are symmetric are called reciprocal networks . 如果一個網絡,它的這些矩陣都是對稱的,則把它稱為可逆網絡。

Positive semi-definite matrices are positive definite if and only if they are nonsingular . 正半定矩陣是正定的,當且僅當它們是非奇異矩陣。

We use script letter to avoid confusion with the incidence and circ matrices . 為了避免與關聯矩陣和廣義圈矩陣混淆,我們利用了草體字母。

Since i behaves like the number 1 in ordinary algebra it is called the identity matrix . 由于工具有普通代數中數1的性質,稱它為幺矩陣。

This would certainly militate against good bonding between the resin matrix and the glass . 這當然會影響樹脂基體與玻璃間的良好粘結。

In other words, the hermiticity of a matrix is invariant under unitary transformations . 換言之,矩陣的厄密性在幺正變換下保持不變。

next, define the constant elements hij of the n×n hessian matrix h. 其次,定義nn海賽矩陣H的常數元數為hij。

This can be extended to nxn tridiagonal matrix with l, u bidiagonal . 把它推廣到nxn三對角線矩陣使具有兩對角線的矩陣L、U。

Local deviations depend strongly on the local geometry of the solid matrix . 局部偏離嚴格地依賴于固體矩陣的局部幾何形狀。

a complex n×n matrix u is called unitary if u*u=in. 一個復nn矩陣U如果U*UIn,則稱它為酉矩陣。

It is convenient to shift from index to matrix notation at this point . 為了方便起見,這里我們把下標記法改為矩陣記法。

If a is the mxn matrix, then the nxm matrix is called the transpose of a . 如果A是mxn矩陣,那么nxm矩陣為A的轉置矩陣。

Interconnection of programming function is carried out on a matrix board . 各種編程功能之間相互銜接在矩陣板上進行。

The condition number, defined below, is changed by scaling the matrix . 調整矩陣的比例就改變了下面定義的條件數。

the function is called the transition matrix for the system. 函數稱為系統的轉移矩陣。

It forms a flexibility matrix which, when inverted, gives (so*) . 當形成一個柔度矩陣求逆時,它給出(So)。

This strain can be compared directly with the allowable matrix strain . 這個應變值能直接與基體容許應變比較。

The fundamental circ matrix is one example of a reduced circ matrix . 基本圈矩陣是簡化廣義圈矩陣的一個例子。