
mathematical adj.數學(上)的,數理的;嚴正的,精確的。 math...

mathematical biology

The mathematical formulations are more concise and easier to handle if they are properly applied . 數學公式比較簡練,而且如果運用得當,也比較容易處理。

Mathematical part of the scientific enterprise played a greater part than the experimental . 科學工作中的演譯數學部分所起的作用比實驗部分所起的作用大。

This effect is a complicated matter that does not lend itself to simple mathematical treatment . 這種影響是個復雜問題,用簡單的數學關系表示是不合適的。

The drastic reduction in the geometric dimension leads to great simplification in mathematical analysis . 幾何維數的急劇減少導致數字分析的極大簡化。

It served to direct the course of mathematical instruction in the schools of the late sixteenth century . 它為十六世紀后期學校的數學教學指引了道路。

Mathematical knowledge was certain and offered a secure foothold in a morass . 數學知識是確定無疑的,它給人們在沼澤地上提供了一個穩妥的立足點。

Einstein brought this vision to fruition by way of a successful mathematical theory . 愛因斯坦以成功的數學理論的形式把這一預見變成了科學碩果。

The electronic computer has brought about thorough changes in carrying out mathematical computations . 電子計算機導致數學計算的根本性變化。

In other cases, a series of mathematical equations may be consolidated and simplified . 在另外的情況中,則可將一系列數學方程式合并或簡化。

It can be regarded as merely a mathematical quirk of the theory of weak interactions . 這可被看成僅僅是弱相互作用理論的一種數學上的技巧。

These concepts were firmly entrenched in the mathematical formulation of classical mechanics . 這些概念在經典力學的數學表述中根深蒂固。

He argued that human energy was being wasted at a rate subject to mathematical calculation . 他說明人類正以數學方程計算的速度浪費精力。

Hume contended that only knowledge obtained by mathematical reasoning was certain . 休漠主張,只有經過數學推理獲得的知識才是可靠的。

The scientists persisted in the search for mathematical laws underlying natural phenomena . 科學家們堅持尋找自然現象背后的數學規律。

All but plug and backmix require rather sophisticated mathematical analysis . 除了活塞流與逆混流之外,其它都需要比較深的數學分析。

The profound study of nature is the most fertile source of mathematical discoveries . 對自然界的深刻研究是數學發現最富饒的源泉。

The analyst's judgement then must override mathematical and statistical significance . 分析家的判斷必須超越數學和統計的有效性。

The chief sources for the greek mathematical works are byzantine greek codices . 希臘的數學著作主要取材于拜占庭的希臘文手抄本。

The mathematical theory of economics is thus preoccupied with statistical techniques . 經濟學的數學理論注意力集中在統計方法上。