uploads/maternity ward.jpg

maternity ward (醫院里的)產科病房。


For years my wedding ring has done its job . it has led me not into temptation . it has reminded my husband numerous times at partiesthat it ' s time to go home . it has been a source of relief to a dinner companion . it has been a status symbol in the maternity ward 多少年來,我的結婚戒指一直在行使它的職能.它讓我抵御住誘惑;社交聚會時它一次次提醒我的丈夫該回家了;晚餐桌上它讓陪客松了一口氣;在產科病房里,它又成為一種資格的象征

Conditions in the maternity wards of hos2pitals were almost as bad as in the surgical wards . there were constant epidemics . the mother often became feverish and died 醫院產科病房的條件幾乎與外科病房一樣差,經常發生流行病,產婦常發熱、死亡。

Nurse : sir , this is the maternity ward and all our patients here are in the same condition . pregnant ! you must have the wrong floor 護士:先生,這里是產房,所有病人都是孕婦,你一定是找錯地方了。