matchless adj.無敵的,無比的。
adj. 無敵的,無比的。 “be matchless in the world“ 中文翻譯: 舉世無敵“matchless craftsmanship“ 中文翻譯: 無比精湛的技藝“matchle“ 中文翻譯: 無比的,無敵的“matchlessly“ 中文翻譯: 無比地; 無雙地“matchlayer“ 中文翻譯: 將選擇的對象移動到另一層。“matchlock“ 中文翻譯: (舊時的)火繩槍。 “matchjoint; joint“ 中文翻譯: 合榫“matchmaker“ 中文翻譯: 安排比賽的人; 火柴制造者“matchjoint“ 中文翻譯: 合榫,企口接合。 “matchmaker, matchmaker“ 中文翻譯: 紅娘、紅娘“matching交叉配血“ 中文翻譯: matching cross
matchlock |
A posse of dublin metropolitan police superintended by the chief commissioner in person maintained order in the vast throng for whom the york street brass and reed band whiled away the intervening time by admirably rendering on their black draped instruments the matchless melody endeared to us from the cradle by speranza s plaintive muse 約克街的銅管樂隊和簧管樂隊用纏了黑紗的樂器出色地演奏出我們從搖籃里就愛上的那支由于斯佩蘭扎的哀戚歌詞187而最為動人的曲調。這樣,使群眾得以消磨一下大會開始前的這段時間。 |
“ monsieur , “ returned maximilian , raising the glass cover , and respectfully kissing the silken purse , “ this has touched the hand of a man who saved my father from suicide , us from ruin , and our name from shame and disgrace , - a man by whose matchless benevolence we poor children , doomed to want and wretchedness , can at present hear every one envying our happy lot “這只錢袋曾經過一個人的手,而那個人曾救過我父親,使他不致于自殺,使我們不致于破產,使我們的名譽不致于蒙羞受辱。正是靠著他無比的仁慈,我們這些命中注定該受苦難的孩子,才能有目前這種使人嫉妒的好運。 |
Predict the blackboard result three century predictions , regardless your name , age , wealth , even in your secret in the heart , all can 11 grounds of predictions come out , accurate and matchless , is a set of prop of ability with super mind sorcery 中國傳統健身玩具空竹,是中國歷代上至帝王,下至黎民,來強健身體,消遣娛樂,并盛行東南亞及西洋地區的娛樂玩具,雙臂抖起招式百出,風鳴作響,頗有樂趣。 |
The storm culminated in one matchless effort that seemed likely to tear the island to pieces , burn it up , drown it to the tree - tops , blow it away , and deafen every creature in it , all at one and the same moment 最后的這一陣暴風雨更是威力無比,似乎要在片刻之間,把這個小島撕成碎片,燒成灰燼,淹沒樹頂,再把它吹個無影無蹤,要把島上的生靈都震昏震聾。 |
In battle the fangs were matchless , inspiring their followers by leading charges ; in peace , they were just and fair , mediating disputes to keep the tribes from warring against each other . . . too frequently 在戰斗的時候,銀牙從無敵手,他們能用充滿領導藝術的命令鼓舞追隨者;在和平的時候,他們公正公平,調停糾紛以免部族內部太頻繁的爭斗。 |
From the day of our founding , we have proclaimed that every man and woman on this earth has rights , and dignity , and matchless value , because they bear the image of the maker of heaven and earth 從建國那一天起,我們就宣告:這個世界上的每一個男人和女人,都有自己的權利、尊嚴和獨一無二的價值,因為他們居有與創造天地的神一樣的形象。 |
The existence of dollar hegemony is based on its matchless international status , and one of the principle presuppositions of maintaining dollar ' s status is the international currency cooperation 摘要美元霸權的生存基礎是美元無可比擬的國際地位,維持美元地位的主要條件之一在于國際貨幣合作。 |
River ' s bridge [ good boy , calculate you have the skill , today dissimilarity you dispute , next time matchless i again see you ! ] say that finished their two people to walk toghter 江橋[好小子,算你有本事,今天不同你計較,下次無比我再見到你! ]說完他們二人一齊走了。 |
The diversity of these works highlighted the fact that master , with her infinite love and matchless eye for detail , accommodates connoisseurs of all ages and varied interests 我們深刻體會到師父浩然博大又體貼入微的愛心,如何關照著不同年齡及不同愛好的人們。 |
The diversity of these works highlighted the fact that master , with her infinite love and matchless eye for detail , accommodates connoisseurs of all ages and varied interests 我們深刻體會到師父浩然博大又體貼入微的愛心,如何關照著不同年及不同愛好的人們。 |
Tally up to pass by . we feel matchless and proud of ; face reality , we need more to work hard hard ; prospect future . we are necessarily filled with to win confidence 總結過去,我們感到無比自豪;正視現實,我們更需努力拼搏;展望未來,我們充滿必勝信心! |
To express their depression and resentment . they created their works . which also shows their matchless talent , tempernament and outstanding art 這使女性以其充滿幽愁暗恨的創作抒寫出閨中悲吟,與此同時,也彰顯出婦女無比的才情、氣質與高超的藝術水平。 |
The sheer size and scale of the financial services market coupled with strong economic growth continues to make asia a matchless and enticing business region 憑藉龐大的金融服務市場及強勁的經濟增長,亞洲一直是極受注目的經商地區。 |
Result : the ball is under the magician s power the magic is in run to an airtight no air goes through box , the absolute being is strange and matchless 銅強鐵壁效果:球在魔術師的法力下神奇在跑到一個密不透風的盒子里,神奇無比 |
A hopeful society has institutions of science and medicine that do not cut ethical corners , and that recognize the matchless value of every life 希望社會有一套不違反職業道德,珍重每一種生命的科學和醫療體制。 |
Without a direct competitor and with nearly 1 , 400 sold over its long life , the 747 has been a matchless earner 747沒有直接的競爭者,其使用壽命長而賣出一千四百四十架,因而它是無可匹敵的盈利者。 |
Disappeared coin result : a common coin is on the evil stick ability miraculous disappearance or appear , magic matchless 消失的硬幣效果:一個普通的錢幣在魔棒上能神奇的消失或出現,神奇無比。 |
On the other hand , in certain extreme cases of success , i think the transmitted feeling is matchless 而另一方面,在某些成功的特例中,我認為兩者所表達的情感是無與倫比的。 |
The game introduce : do you own matchless self - confidence to own marksmanship ? the challenge is once ! 游戲介紹:對自己的槍法擁有無比的自信嗎?挑戰一下吧! |