
masticatory adj.咀嚼的,咀嚼器官的;適于咀嚼的;撕捏的。n.(用...


Result complications included crown mobility , ceramic fracture , chronic gingisitis and food impaction , gingival discoloration , carries and acute pulpitis , masticatory pain , tooth mobility 結果:修復后出現的問題包括冠松動脫落、瓷崩、牙齦炎、食物嵌塞、牙齦變色、基牙繼發齲、牙髓炎、咬合痛及基牙松動。

Objective the similarities of masticatory muscles and teeth orientations between miniature pigs and human beings were studied in order to evaluate the use of miniature pigs in oral biomechanics research 目的探討小型豬咀嚼肌及牙長軸方向與人類的相似性,以利其在口腔生物力學研究中的應用。

Though this design was less retentive force than precision attachment of konus denture , the patient was satisfactory with the cosmetic , occlusal , and masticatory considerations 雖然此種設計之固持力不如精密附著裝置或雙重冠,但是病患對于美觀、咬合與咀嚼功能上的滿意度尚佳。

The angles of masticatory muscles and base plane are 63 . 9 in massater muscle , 114 . 55 in temple muscle , 64 . 4 in medial pterygoidp muscle 小型豬牙長軸傾斜度分別為:上頜第一磨牙6 . 1度,下頜第一磨牙為6 . 5度,上頜第三前磨牙為7 . 3度,下頜第三前磨牙為3 . 8度。

Objective to explore the influence of the type of occlusal splint on the masticatory muscles ( ta , mm ) 摘要目的探討松弛性(牙合)墊與穩定性(牙合)墊對咀嚼肌(咬肌、顳肌前束)肌電的影響。

Exercises of masticatory function after orthodontic treatment of dentognathic deformity 牙頜畸形正頜術后咀嚼功能鍛煉