masterful adj.1.主人派頭的;專橫的,傲慢的。2.巧妙的;熟練...
adj. 1.主人派頭的;專橫的,傲慢的。 2.巧妙的;熟練的;名家的。 “masterful chef“ 中文翻譯: 能干的廚師“masterful woodworker“ 中文翻譯: 能干的木工藝家“masterformat“ 中文翻譯: 雇主表格“masterfoods“ 中文翻譯: 每食富“mastergearcheckinginstrument“ 中文翻譯: 標準齒輪校正儀“masterfixture“ 中文翻譯: 基準型架“masterhand bekleidungswerke“ 中文翻譯: 高手服裝廠有限公司“masterfilemf“ 中文翻譯: 主檔“masterhand bekleidungswerke gmbh“ 中文翻譯: 高手服裝廠有限公司“masterfile“ 中文翻譯: 主外存儲器 主文件 不常變文件
masterhood |
Though some of them were able to purchase tickets to the concert , there were a number who did not have the extra money during this holiday period to purchase tickets . they were thrilled when they received their special complimentary invitations to the concert , and it was a special christmas gift for them to hear their sons in mr . karlin s masterful symphonic work , the peace seeker 這次的音樂會,雖然有些家長有能力購買門票,但還是有許多家長在耶誕期間沒有多馀的財力購票,當他們收到免費的邀請招待券時,大家都雀躍不已,能夠親自聽到兒子演唱卡林先生的杰作和平追尋者交響曲,對這些家長真是一份特殊的耶誕禮物。 |
1900 soon develops a masterful skill over piano , with every note he plays , it touches the hearts of people on broad , including the girl who is afterall a passenger moving from one place to another , but who remains as an occupant in his heart . winner of best original score at golden globe 2000 是緣份使然吧, 1900早早便與鋼琴結下不解緣,在琴鍵上他那不盡的精力,就幻化成星空夜海的動人音符,觸動了郵輪上的每顆心靈,還包括那位充當過客的她金球獎最佳原創配樂得主。 |
Having started life with little else other than good parents , herman cain knows that the path to success starts within yourself . today he is known in business circles for his masterful turnaround and purchase of godfather s pizza , inc . , and for the commanding , effective leadership of the national restaurant association 赫爾曼沒有富裕的父母,他知道成功要從自己開始,他成功收購神父薄餅店,并把它轉虧為盈的事跡,讓他在商界享負盛名,并一直領導著全國餐飲協會。 |
Every moment was drive , drive , drive , and joe was the masterful shepherd of moments , herding them carefully , never losing one , counting them over like a miser counting gold , working on in a frenzy , toil - mad , a feverish machine , aided ably by that other machine that thought of itself as once having been one martin eden , a man 馬丁再也不洗冷水浴了,每時每刻都在趕趕趕。喬是個精明的羊倌,他牧放的是時間。他細心地趕著每時每刻,不讓它們跑掉像守財奴數金幣一樣反復計算著。 |
The timid man , the lazy man , the man who distrusts his country , the overcivilized man , who has lost the great fighting , masterful virtues , the ignorant man and the man of dull mind , whose soul is incapable of feeling the mighty lift that thrills “ stern men with empires in their brains “ all these , of course , shrink from seeing the nation undertake its new duties ; shrink from seeing us build a navy and army adequate to our needs ; shrink from seeing us do our share of the world ' s work by bringing order out of chaos in the great , fair tropic islands from which the valor of our soldiers and sailors has driven the spanish flag 懦夫,懶漢,對政府持懷疑態度的人,喪失了斗爭精神和支配能力的文質彬彬的人,愚昧無知的人,還有那些無法感受到堅定不移的人們所受到的巨大鼓舞的麻木不仁的人所有這些人當然害怕看到他們的國家承擔了新的職責,害怕看到我們建立能滿足我國需要的海軍和陸軍,害怕看到我們承擔國際義務,害怕看到我們勇敢的士兵和水手們把西班牙的軍隊趕出去,讓偉大美麗的熱帶島嶼從大亂中達到大治。 |
Then , in the first place , do you agree with me that i have a right to be a little masterful , abrupt , perhaps exacting , sometimes , on the grounds i stated , namely , that i am old enough to be your father , and that i have battled through a varied experience with many men of many nations , and roamed over half the globe , while you have lived quietly with one set of people in one house “那么首先一個問題是,你同不同意,基于我所陳述的理由,我有權在某些時候稍微專橫唐突或者嚴厲些呢?我的理由是,按我的年紀。我可以做你的父親,而且有著多變的人生閱歷,同很多國家的很多人打過交道。 |
The masterful cooking techniques include bao quick fry , liu quick fry with cornflour , pa stew braise , roast , boiling , using sugar to make fruit , crystallizing with honey . condiments such as sauce paste , fistulous onion and garlic are freely used , clear soup and milk soup are masterly used to add freshness to the dishes . 原料多選畜禽海產蔬菜,善用爆熘扒烤鍋拔絲蜜汁等烹調方法,偏重于醬蔥蒜調味,善用清湯奶湯增鮮,口味咸鮮。 |
To house the rising population the government began building new towns in the 1980s , and while these proved to be masterful solutions to social and demographic issues , they did not always bring equal benefits to the surrounding environment 政府為了替新增人口提供居所,于八十年代開始興建新市鎮。這些新市鎮雖然解決了社會和人口問題,可是對周邊環境卻帶來一些負面影響。 |
A intermediate which corresponds completely to the magic of liu fang s music , divine mediator . . . , world , no . 16 , france , 2006 . “ masterful , graceful and riveting , . “ - bbc london , november 8 , 2003 在2003年11月7日英國國際廣播電臺bbc world service舉辦的音樂會上對觀眾和聽眾說: “這僅僅是一位音樂家,但是由十只天才手指演奏的 |
Sept leaders know that a shadow lord advisor can do a masterful job of uncovering conspiracy and dissent among their followers , but only as long as the advisor approves of the sept leader ' s policies 氏族領袖知道當陰謀敗露或者得不到追隨者的支持時陰影議員顧問會變得專橫,但是這樣的專橫只在顧問贊成氏族領袖的政策時才有。 |
She pictured her husband , a man , a strong , masterful , and inconceivably attractive creature , who would bear her away all at once into an utterly different , happy world of his own 她腦海中想象到一個丈夫,一個強而有力的男人,一個居于高位具有不可思議的魅力的人士,他忽然把她帶進一個完全不同的幸福的世界。 |
Bearhounds are intelligent , masterful hunters . usually loners that value their privacy and keep to the woodlands , they will sometimes associate with good creatures for a righteous cause 熊獵犬是聰明專橫的獵人,他們通常獨自守護自己的秘密并尊重所居住的森林,他們經常為了正義的事業而聯合那些善良的人們。 |
A masterful integration of editing , art direction and sound design , it has the new york times calling it an “ engrossing , estimably ambitious epic beautifully blends the political and the personal . 北大學生的宿舍生活及愛欲關系描寫,實感逼人,猶如一闋史詩幅度的青春挽歌。去年康城影展話題作。 |
Concurrent programming in java by doug lea addison - wesley , 1999 is a masterful book on the subtle issues surrounding multithreaded java programming . synchronization and the java memory model ( addison - wesley , 1999年) ,是一本圍繞用java編寫多線程程序的微妙問題進行討論的專業書籍。 |
Describing the pervasive influence of tobacco lobbyists , he says : “ legislation from congress testified to the masterful preparation and strategic command of the tobacco industry 在描述煙草游說者所產生的深入影響時,他說: “國會的立法證實了煙草業的獨行其是和戰略主導能力。 ” |
Through frequent concerts there , as well as international appearances , michael ma , fan ting , leung kin - fung and ray wang continue to inspire audiences with their masterful performances 他們的演出屢獲好評,音樂表現充滿了與人性結合之美,被評論稱贊為“合作無間,水乳交融” * 。 |
The historic interest of her family - that masterful line of d urbervilles - whom he had despised as a spent force , touched his sentiments now 他對苔絲的家族歷史產生的熱情,也就是對專橫的德貝維爾家族產生的熱情他以前瞧不起這個家族,認為它氣數已盡現在又讓他的感情激動起來。 |
I nearly have taken a masterful control of english language why sould i be depressed by what a beautiful language of french ? no ! i can ' t give it up 問題補充:不能放棄,我畢竟下了許多功夫,加上法語學不到,我沒法游弋法國文學。放棄代表無能,無能不是我。 |
So in a masterful way he took away the gift of fire from mankind . however , prometheus managed to steal fire from heaven and secretly brought it down tomen 因此,他專橫地把火從人類手中奪走。然而,普羅米修斯設法竊走了天火,偷偷地把它帶給人類。 |