
master n.1.主人;雇主,老板(opp. servant);船...

master dom

He is studying for a master 's degree at dalian university . 他正在大連大學攻讀碩士學位。

He could master others but he could not master himself . 他能夠控制別人,卻不能控制自己。

His masters had armed him with a brief draft treaty . 他的上司交給他一份協定草案的要點。

He is an echo of his master . 他是主人的應聲蟲。

He was a master of administration and diplomacy . 他是行政和外交事務方面的一個杰出人物。

The early masters are now worth a good deal of money . 早期名家之畫可是很值錢的東西呢。

He is master of the situation . 他能控制這種局面。

Men cannot serve two masters . 一個人不能侍奉兩主。

In our country the working people are the masters . 在我們國家里,勞動人民當家作主。

We cannot suffer: we call no man master . 我們絕對不能容忍--我們不承認任何人是主人。

That dog is devoted to his master . 那條狗忠于主人。

Master jervie is very demanding . 杰維少爺可不好侍候。

He did not want-he should not desire to be the master . 他不想--也不該巴望當主子。

I will not sell my master short . 我不想出賣我的東家。

Everyone agreed that the man had a master intellect . 人人都承認這人的頭腦頂呱呱。

There go the masters of the zecca . 澤卡的師傅們來啦。

Actually, i'm the master chemist of joe's body . 實際上,我是喬團體中的化學大師。

Your master already has a plan . 你的主人早已胸有成竹。

He is a tenacious world master . 他是個頑強的世界主人。