
marvel n.1.驚奇的東西;可驚嘆的人物,(…方面)的非凡人物,...


Such power was a thing for the little prince to marvel at 這樣的權力使小王子驚嘆不已。

“ master , i marvel how the fishes live in the sea . “主人,我驚訝魚怎么在大海里生存。 ”

A nature special - vipers : marvels of evolution 動物奇趣錄-蛇及它的進化史

He marveled at the morbidezza of the ltalian women 他對意大利女性皮膚之細膩大為激賞。

[ wrigley ] howard ? mackenzie the mechanical marvel 霍華德機械奇才邁肯吉

I marveled at the relentless determination of the rain 雨無情地下個不停,我感到驚異。

And the angel said unto me , wherefore didst thou marvel 7天使對我說,你為什么希奇呢。

Marvel not , my brethren , if the world hate you 13弟兄們,世人若恨你們,不要以為希奇。

No marvel if the imps follow when the devil goes before 魔鬼帶頭,難怪小鬼紛紛跟隨。

She marvelled how such scenes could have been 她驚詫何以會有過這種情景!

Its infinite delicacy is a marvel to behold 微細前所未見,精致巧奪天工。

The operation was a marvel of medical skill 這個手術是醫術的一個非凡范例。

They marvelled that she would make such a decision 他們對她做出如此決定感到驚奇。

The computer is a marvel of modern science 電子計算機是現代科學的一個奇跡。

As you know , the drawing - room was a marvel 您已經知道了,客廳布置得很出色。

“ not a word of it , “ said marvel , stoutly “沒有一句真話, ”馬弗爾斷然說道。

Martin marvelled at the calm repose of his face 馬丁為他臉上的平靜安詳感到驚訝。

Newton and other scientists used the law of gravitation, that marvel of simplicity and university, to build a comprehensive picture of the astronomical universe . 牛頓和其他科學家運用這個簡單和普遍適用的奇跡引力定律,建立了天體世界內容廣泛的畫面。

He peeked out at major de coverley for hours and marveled that someone so august had nothing more important to do . 他偷偷看著德科弗利少校,一看就是幾小時,象德科弗利少校這樣威風凜凜的人竟沒有更為重要的事情可做,這一點他真覺得十分奇怪。