
martin n.馬丁〔姓氏,男子名〕。 St. Martin's d...

martin furnace

Martin heidegger and the mistake of object - imaginization 海德格爾與物象化的謬誤

Martin laughed merrily , but it was with an effort 馬丁高興地笑了,但有些勉強。

This telegram had been received by martin bormann 這封電報是馬丁鮑曼接收的。

Martin took his seat amidst an uproar of voices 馬丁在一片哄鬧聲中回到了座位。

Martin fowler s article on dependency injection Martin fowler關于依賴注入的文章

Martin heidegger german philosophy - proposed his theory of 提出了他的四合一說。

Martin eden ' s quest for the essence of life 馬丁183 ;伊登對生命本質的追求與探索

Martin s tone and face alike showed his dejection 馬丁的口氣和臉色都顯得沮喪。

God bless you , martin cunningham said , cheerily “辛苦啦, ”馬丁坎寧翰欣然說。

For aston - martin , the absolute is a religion 而對于阿斯頓.馬丁,絕對就是信仰。

There, it seemed, martin peat-smith's scientific team had successfully broken through the technical barrier which had baffled them for so long . 那里,馬丁皮特--史密斯的科研小組看來已經成功地突破了長期使他們困惑的技術障礙。

Celia intended to be equally discreet, which was why she accepted the fact accomplished of no more a clandestine meetings between herself and martin . 西莉亞也打算同樣慎重,這也是她接受既成事實,不準備再同馬丁幽會的原因。

A few months earlier, martin had had her moved into a cambridge nursing home when she now floated dimly on the outer edge of life . 幾個月前,馬丁把她送到劍橋的私人療養院去了,現在,她在那兒迷迷糊糊地茍延殘喘。

It was early evening when martin dropped celia at cambridge station and they said a formal, somewhat strained good bye . 已近傍晚時分,馬丁把西莉亞送到劍橋火車站,兩人正兒八經而又有些不自在地道了別。

It seemed to lawyer martin that the women were unusually demure and the men more swashbuckling than usual . 在馬丁律師看來,那些婦女似乎都出奇地嫻靜端莊,而那些男子則似乎都比平常更為裝模作樣。

Already, martin had gone through a brief rehearsal, guided by the comptroller of the household, a colonel in dress uniform . 馬丁已經在皇家審計員--一名身著盛裝的上校帶領下,預演過一次了。

So the matter rested. within the family it was accepted that ruth and martin were engaged, but no announcement was made . 事情就這樣擱下了。家庭內部承認羅絲和馬丁訂了婚,可并不對外宣布。

While the report was restrained, excitement among martin and his harlow colleagues was at fever pitch . 盡管報告的措辭是克制的,馬丁和他的哈羅同事們的興奮,卻已到了近乎狂熱的地步。

Martin might be a remarkable man: whether he will or not, the seer is powerless to predict . 馬丁也許會成為了不起的人物。究竟他會不會成為了不起的人物,預言者力不從心無法預言。