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marshall islands 馬紹爾群島〔西太平洋〕。


In many other countries , where english is not a first language , it is an official language ; these countries include cameroon , fiji , the federated states of micronesia , ghana , gambia , india , kiribati , lesotho , liberia , kenya , namibia , nigeria , malta , the marshall islands , pakistan , papua new guinea , the philippines , rwanda , the solomon islands , samoa , sierra leone , sri lanka , swaziland , tanzania , zambia and zimbabwe 英語在許多國家不是第一語言,但卻作為官方語言存在;這些國家包括:喀麥隆、斐濟、密克羅尼西亞聯邦、加納、岡比亞、印度、基里巴斯、萊索托、利比里亞、肯尼亞、納米比亞、尼日利亞、馬耳他、馬歇爾群島、巴基斯坦、巴布亞新幾內亞、菲律賓、盧旺達、所羅門群島、薩摩亞群島、塞拉利昂、斯里蘭卡、斯威士蘭、坦桑尼亞、贊比亞和津巴布韋。

An orange crab taken from the waters near the marshall islands ? rongelap atoll bears no outward evidence of the radioactive compounds that pollute its habitat 圖為一只在馬爾紹群島附近的水域中捕獲的橙色螃蟹。朗格拉普環礁并無公開的證據表明這里存在污染生態環境的放射性化合物。

Only five of them still remain on the list : andorra , liberia , liechtenstein , marshall islands and monaco 如今只有五個依然在榜:安道爾、利比里亞、列支敦士登、馬紹爾群島和摩納哥。

1952 united states detonated her first hydrogen bomb , at eniwetok atoll in the marshall islands in mid - pacific 美國在太平洋中部紹爾群島的埃尼威托克環礁爆炸第一顆氫彈。

Administrative districts : the marshall islands are divided for administrative purposes into municipalities and villages 行政區劃:馬紹爾群島為便于管理,分為市和村。

America would be unlikely to tolerate a similar facility in a chinese - allied marshall islands 美國將不可能忍受一個類似的設施留在和中國結盟的馬紹爾群島之上。

Fifty years have passed since america ended nuclear testing in the marshall islands 從美國最后一次在馬紹爾群島進行核試驗至今,已經過去50年了。