
marrakech n.馬拉喀什〔摩洛哥城市〕。


Wwf is particularly concerned to ensure that the marrakech conference resists attempts by australia , canada , russia and japan to utilise the legal text discussions to reopen debate on the compliance sections of the kyoto protocol that their ministers agreed to within the bonn agreement . negotiators should also reject russia s insistence on being allowed even greater credits for “ sinks “ - forests and land - use activities that absorb carbon from the atmosphere - than the generous provisions that russia won in bonn 總會尤其關注澳洲加拿大俄羅斯和日本的部長,會否利用是次馬拉喀什會議,重開遵守京都氣候協議的問題,與會代表亦應拒絕俄羅斯要求進一步增加其碳匯配額所謂碳匯,是指樹林和土地吸收二氧化碳量。

Eu : don t shoot yourself in the foot over climate change brussels , belgium - unless european commissioners headed by romano prodi overcome internal differences and approve key measures for implementing the kyoto protocol tomorrow , the eu risks severe embarrassment at next week s marrakech global climate conference , according to wwf , the conservation organization 比利時布魯塞爾消息世界自然基金會表示,除非明天以普羅迪為首的歐洲委員會能克服內部分歧,通過落實執行京都氣候協議的主要措施,否則當下周召開馬拉喀什全球氣候會議時,歐盟可能會陷于異常尷尬的局面。

A new agreement on government procurement ( gpa ) was signed in marrakech in 1994 . in spite of gpa is at presently only a multilateral agreement of self - imposed , from long - range , sooner or later it will be brought into the series of agreements of wto . china is the member state of wto , it will be an inevitable tendency to go into the gpa and open the government procurement marker 盡管gpa目前只是一個自愿加入的諸邊協定,但從長遠的角度看,它被納入wto的一攬子協議成為多邊協定是遲早的事,我國是wto成員國,加入gpa ,開放政府采購市場也是大勢所趨。

Marrakech , morocco - wwf , the conservation organization today called on governments gathering here for two weeks of global climate negotiations to finalize the kyoto climate treaty so that it can become international law by next september s world summit on sustainable development wssd that will be held in johannesburg 摩洛哥馬拉喀什消息今天多國政府代表集馬拉喀什,準備出席為期兩周的全球氣候談判。世界自然基金會呼吁各國代表認可京都氣候協議,讓協議能在于二二九月在約翰內斯堡舉行的可持續發展全球高峰會議前成為國際法。

The marrakech talks focus on completing the translation of the landmark ministerial agreement on the kyoto protocol , achieved in bonn last july , into detailed un legal text that specifies precisely how each of the components of the kyoto treaty will operate 二一年七月,各國于波恩就京都氣候協議達成劃時代的部長級協議。是次馬拉喀什會議的焦點是把協議寫成詳細的聯合國法律文本,界定京都氣候協議每個條文的運作程序。

“ politicians need to deliver . “ the un climate conference in marrakech is to finalise the translation of july s landmark agreement on the kyoto protocol into legal text , enabling countries to ratify the treaty and turn it into international law 2001年7月,各國于波恩達成劃時代的京都氣候協議,而在馬拉喀什召開的聯合國氣候會議,目的就在把協議寫成詳細的法律文本,讓各國得以正式認可公約,并通過為國際法。

“ countries thinking of raising objections counter to the bonn agreement in marrakech should realize they would be working directly against public opinion and the need to safeguard the world from the impacts of global warming , “ said jennifer morgan Jennifer morgan又稱:那些考慮在馬拉喀什會議上,對波恩協議提出異議的國家,必須認清此舉有違大眾意愿他們亦應了解到實在有需要保護地球免受溫室效應影響。

Because of the scope of application of this agreement was still limited , a new multilateral trade negotiation was hold in the uruguay round of gatt . a new agreement on government procurement ( gpa ) was signed in marrakech in 1994 由于這一協議的適用范圍仍然有限,各國又在烏拉圭回合中舉行了新的政府采購淡判,于1994年在馬拉喀什簽署了新的《政府采購協議》 ( gpa ) 。

Governments had concluded the uruguay round negotiations on 15 december 1993 and ministers had given their political backing to the results by signing the final act at a meeting in marrakech , morocco , in april 1994 其各成員國政府于1993年12月15日結束了烏拉圭回合談判,各政府首腦于1994年4月在摩洛哥的馬拉喀什簽署了最終法案,給予這一結果以政治支持。

Commissioners last week deferred their planned approval of measures that should be decided on by eu environment ministers when they meet on monday 29 october , the day the marrakech conference opens 委員會原定于10月29日星期一,即馬拉喀什會議召開之日,由歐盟環境部長決議通過一系列措施,可惜他們在上周宣布把決議日期壓后。

One of the key issues for marrakech is agreement on how nations will account for , report and verify their emissions of global warming pollution and the amounts that forests and land - use absorb 馬拉喀什會議的其中一個主要議題,是商討各國如何計算匯報及核實溫室氣體排放量和森林及土地的廢氣吸收量,并就此達成共識。

The bonn climate summit forwarded a package of decisions to the marrakech conference , some already approved , and others requiring further work 波恩氣候高峰會把一連串決議草案留待馬拉喀什會議繼續跟進,其中部份草案已獲通過,其馀的則有待處理。

After walking through the sheesha courtyard and past a classic moroccan tiled fountain , you ' re ready for a trip to fez or marrakech 穿過水煙筒院落,經過一個摩洛哥式噴泉,你就好比到了非斯或馬拉喀什。

There ' s only one place he can sell it : marrakech 他只能在馬拉卡把它賣掉