
marquee n.大帳幕;〔美國〕(戲院教堂等入口的)門罩;〔英國〕馬...


The following example uses the marquee element to scroll the marquee from left to right across the screen , moving it 10 pixels every 200 milliseconds 下面的例子使用了marquee元素創建了由左向右的滾動字幕,移動速度為每200毫秒10像素。

In our sample server , all we needed was the basic “ find the requested method on the requested object “ behavior , so we used a marquee 在示例服務程序中,我們只需完成“在要求的對象上找到要求的方法”這個基本行為,因此我們使用了marquee

On a marquee client , it manufactures the correct xml to pass your method string and any parameters to the server in a well - formed xml - rpc message 時,它就制造合適的xml將方法字符串和若干參數以格式良好的xml - rpc消息傳遞給服務程序。

A large marquee was set up in the parking lot to accommodate the numerous participants , who sat quietly , waiting to see master 當天,由于參加的人數眾多,因此,在停車場上搭了一個大棚子,大家都很安靜地坐在棚子下,等候師父的蒞臨。

At the carnival , the initiates set up a booth in a marquee right outside the entrance to the concert venue , where the largest crowds gathered 新加坡小中心的攤位設在音樂會入口處外面的大帳篷內,這里聚集的群眾最多。

After reviewing the code for some of these , we chose the marquee xml - rpc client implementation , written by greger ohlson 在查看其中一些的代碼之后,我們選擇了greger ohlson所編寫的marquee xml - rpc客戶程序實現。

The data access page toolbox contains new web tools that add features such as scrolling marquees and background images 數據訪問頁工具箱包含了一些新的web工具,可以添加滾動字幕和背景圖像等新特色功能。

If you look at the code , you ll see all the java reflection logic marquee has saved you the trouble of writing 如果查看代碼,您將發現所有的java反射( reflection )邏輯marquee為您避免了編寫代碼的麻煩。

The marquee library does its magic , wrapping our method string remember , according to the spec it looks something like Marquee庫將完成其神奇功能:在xml中包裝方法字符串(請記住根據該規范,它看上去像是

You can use the marquee style when you need to indicate progress is being made , but you cannot indicate the quantity of progress 當您需要指示操作正在進行,但是無法指示具體進度時,可使用字幕樣式。

On our project , we could have used the marquee xml - rpc server implementation , also written in the java language see 在該項目中,我們可以使用同樣用java語言編寫的marquee xml - rpc服務程序實現(請參閱

You can use the marquee style when you need to indicate progress is being made , without indicating the quantity of progress 當您只需要指示正在執行操作而不需要指示進度量時,則可以使用字幕樣式。

Francis is just happy to be doing it again in the city where he became one of the league ' s marquee players 弗朗西斯很高興他將再次在這個城市重現往日,他曾在這里成為這個聯盟的招牌運動員之一。

Textiles - burning behaviour of materials for marquees , large tents and related products - ease of ignition ; german version en 14115 : 2001 織物.大帳篷和相關產品用材料的燃燒特性.易燃性;德

The handler concept isn t required by the xml - rpc spec , but marquee is built around it , and it works well 處理程序概念對于xml - rpc規范不是必須的,但是marquee是圍繞其構建的并且運行良好。

To use a marquee xml - rpc server , a running server instance has to know how to decode your method string 要使用marquee xml - rpc服務,運行的服務實例就必須知道如何譯解方法字符串。

Not surprisingly , the atmosphere in the meditation marquee became so dense as if it had solidified 一天,發生許多令人不愉快的事,讓師父很難過。當時大殿里的空氣似乎凝固。

Next we will create the sun . select the elliptical marquee tool ( m ) and make a circular selection 接下來,我們來繪制太陽.選擇橢圓選框工具(快捷鍵m )圖10在圖中畫一個圓形選區

Textiles - burning behaviour of materials for marquees , largs tents and related products - ease of ignition 紡織品.大營帳大型帳蓬及相關產品用材料的燃燒性能.易燃性