
marlite n.抗風化的泥灰巖。


5 . the fractures of marlite , sandstone , faults and the disconformity between sha san member and sha er member are three main conduit systems . for this low maturity of the oil kitchen , the fractures of marlite that coexist with source rock might as well be an important bridge to link oil kitchen and reservoir 5 、通過對德南洼陷輸導體空間分布及物性特征分析,揭示并論證了本區特殊的輸導層主要是與源巖共生的泥灰巖、泥質白云巖及白云巖中的裂縫系統,為進一步尋找有關油氣藏指出方向。

6 . it is indicated that the fractures of marlite are next to de nan fault zone on the slice of seismic coherence . de nan fault zone is controlled by de nan fracture system , which is broom - like and is composed by faults no . l , no . 2 and no . 3 from north to south 6 、利用先進的工作站上的相干技術和可視化技術研究裂縫發育帶、精細解釋了德南斷裂系并取得了好的成果,為目標選取提供可靠依據。

Variation of mechanical property of marlite in process of karstification and weathering in three gorges region 三峽庫區泥灰質巖石溶蝕作用的微觀研究

The dissolution process with microstructural variation in marlite in three gorges reservoir area 三峽地區泥灰質巖石在巖溶和風化過程中力學性質的變化

The dissolution process and the rock mass breakage of marlite slope in three gorges reservoir region 三峽庫區泥質灰巖溶蝕作用與邊坡巖體破壞