
marketable adj.1.可銷售的;適銷的;有銷路的。2.市場買賣的。...


Customers who constantly pay - in or deposit cash to cover requests for bankers drafts , money transfers or other negotiable and readily marketable money instruments 20 , 000港元或以上或等值外幣的匯款或貨幣兌換交易須記錄的資料

Marketable securities include stock and debentures to be rea ? lized within one year from the balance sheet date and shall be accounted for at cost 有價證券包括準備在一年內變現的股票和債券,應當按照實際支付的款項登記入帳。

As the loans of commercial banks become more and more marketable , the loans still remain the uppermost position of the banks ' operation 摘要在商業銀行貸款行為日益市場化的今天,貸款仍是商業銀行最主要的資產業務之一。

The former gaap requires lower - of - cost - or - market in the accounting for marketable securities , applied on a portfolio basis 之前的一般公認會計原則要求,在有價證券組合的基礎上,按照成本與市價孰低原則記錄有價證券。

Marketable securities shall be accounted for according to histori ? cal cost as obtained and be shown in book balance in accounting statement 有價證券應按取得時的實際成本記帳,應當以帳面余額在會計報表中列示。

Giving peasants marketable ownership rights , and developing a legal system to protect them , would bring huge economic benefits 給予農民以可交易的所有權,并發展保護這些權利的法律體系,將帶來巨大的經濟好處。

If the lakers do decide to keep their most marketable asset , they need to be prepared for bryant to continue the battle in the media 如果湖人隊想讓自己的球市繼續火爆,他們需要準備好與科比在媒體上的口水戰。

Current assets of enterprises shall include cash on hand , cash in bank , marketable securities , receivable , prepayments and in ? ventory 企業的流動資產包括現金,銀行存款,有價證券,應收和預付款項以及存貨等。

But , you know , if we take on a contract to produce new products , we want to be confident the product is marketable 但是,你知道如果我們接下訂單來生產新的產品,我們要很有信心這個產品在市場上是有銷路的。

In that prior - year period , net income was affected by a reduction in income taxes and a write - down in marketable securities 國際包裹業務部繼續保持空前出色的經營業績,營業總收入為16 . 2億美元,增長24

Indeed , it will not meet the most crying need : to give peasants marketable ownership rights to the land they farm 毫無疑問,它將不能滿足最迫切的需要:給予農民對他們所耕種土地的可交易的所有權。

Traditionally , fry are stocked in early spring and most fish species reach marketable size in eight to twelve months 傳統上,魚苗會在初春放養,大部份飼養品種會在8至12個月內長至可售賣的體積。

It can be corrected by emissions standards , emissions fees , marketable emissions permits , or by encouraging recycling 它可以通過排放標準,排放費用,適于排放的發行許可,或鼓勵在利用得以改正。

Conduct periodically inventory on the marketable securities in the banks ' safes in conjunction with banking & insurance analyst 與銀行及保險分析員定期對保管在銀行保險柜內的商業票證進行盤點。

Indeed , it will not meet the most crying need : to give peasants marketable ownership rights to the land they farm 事實上,它將不能滿足最迫切的需要:給予農民對他們耕種土地的可交易的所有權。

Sewing the seeds of future success , somali refugees learn to create traditional clothing , a highly marketable skill 索馬利亞難民學習制作傳統衣物,不但習得謀生技能,更播撒未來成功的種子。

Staff will again count the batch for unreported losses and closely inspect the whole marketable batch for dead or sick chickens 此外,署方會在每批雞只應市前兩日內,為雞只進行多一輪檢驗。

By this , they mean - quite bluntly - what they should study to make them marketable when they finally get their degree or diploma 理由很簡單他們最終所獲得的文憑或學位,必須具有市場價值。

Indeed , it will not meet the most crying need : to give peasants marketable ownership rights to the land they farm 確實,它不會滿足這個最迫切的要求,即:把農民自耕地的所有權還給農民。