
margin n.1.邊緣;邊緣部分;范圍,限界;【軍事】圖廓。2.(...


Increasingly important in many countries is the part of the bank's income that comes from fees and commission rather than from the interest margin . 在許多國家中,來自手續費及傭金而不是來自利息差額的那部分銀行收入已變得越來越重要。

A striking feature not explainable in terms of simple viscous behavior is the characteristically blunt terminations or steep outer margins of debris flow . 不能用簡單的粘性來解釋一種明顯的特征是泥石流的鈍形終端,或陡的外緣。

A striking feature not explainable in terms of simple viscous behavior is the characteristically blunt terminations or steep outer margins of debris flow . 不能用簡單的粘性來解釋的一種明顯特征是泥石流的鈍形終端,或陡的外緣。

This type of failure, illustrated in the margin sketch, has been treated in exhaustive detail in many standard soil mechanics textbooks . 這種由插圖描述的破壞類型,在許多權威的土壤力學教科書中已經極其詳盡地討論過了。

This type of failure, illustrated in the margin sketch, has been treated in exhaustive detail in many standard soil mechanics textbooks . 這種由插圖描述的破壞類型,在許多權威的土力學教科書中已經極其詳細的討論過了。

He was lightly afoot again, turned and waved his cap in a bravado, and was out of sight next moment in the margin of the wood . 接著他又輕巧地站了起來,轉過身子,示威似的揮著帽子,一下子就在森林的邊緣上消失了。

Some metallic ores are found in the margins of batholiths and other intrusives which can be detailed under drift by magnetic surveys . 有些金屬礦處于巖盤與其它侵入巖的邊緣,磁力測量能夠確定這些侵入巖的移動。

Thus their plan for raising rebellion in that country and mastering cheaply this wide area was frustrated on a small margin . 這樣,他們要想在該國鼓動背叛并想以微小的代價控制這一廣大地區的圖謀,遂功敗垂成。

For more than a century, economics was largely concerned with problems other than growth, chiefly efficient allocation at the margin . 一百多年以來,經濟學關心的是增長以外的其他問題,主要是邊際的有效分配。

As ships have to go for periodic refits, it would have been almost beyond our power to maintain a reasonable margin of superiority . 由于船舶需要定期檢修,因此我們的力量很難維持海軍優勢所必需的適當余力。

Export subsidies are generally not used explicitly but occur implicitly through changes in the profit margins of marketing boards . 出口補貼一般不采用直接方式,而是通過變動經銷機構的利潤含蓄地進行的。

He asked for a margin of at least thirty percent over the german fleet on account of expected losses in the passage . 他認為在打開通路時,難免要遭受損失,因此,要求至少有超過德國艦隊30的富裕船只。

By the outer margin of the pit was an oval pond, and over it hung the attenuated skeleton of a chrome-yellow moon . 在深谷的外側邊緣,有一個橢圓形的池塘,池塘上高懸著一勾朦朧昏黃的殘月。

His personal role within the margin available to ambassadors was almost certainly beneficial to us-soviet relations . 他在大使所能及的范圍內的個人作用,幾乎肯定地說是有利于美蘇關系的。

Churchill was making notes in the margin of a typewritten report, and as he scribbled he occasionally muttered . 邱吉爾正在審批一份打印的報告,一面潦草地作眉批,一面低聲自言自語。

But once he was married, what would become of this narrow margin of life in which his real experiences were lived ? 但是他一旦結了婚,他真正生活在其中的狹小天地又會變得如何呢?

The seaward margins of these benches are transitional and cannot be defined as easily as the landward margins . 這些砂階的向海一邊是漸變的,而且不如向陸一側那樣易于確定。

Very often a large margin of safety is used in textile mill operations to eliminate the need for reprocessing . 為防止返工,在紡織廠的操作中,往往使用大的安全系數。

Pressures under the margin of a deep cavity would similarly cause the underlying material to flow into it . 在一個深凹形體邊緣的壓力,同樣會導致邊緣部分物質的流入。