
maracaibo n.馬拉開波〔委內瑞拉港市〕。

maraging steels

We left venezuela charged with master s divine love , feeling hopeful that many spiritual seeds had been planted in the kind , pure hearts of the local citizenry during this first trip , and that soon they would bear the fruit of more and more quan yin practitioners in the maracaibo area 這趟旅程滿盈師父的圣愛加持,結果也充滿了光明與希望,靈性的種子已植入此地善良同胞的心田中,相信不久的將來,馬拉開波將陸續出現許多師兄與師姊。

During a november 2002 trip to puerto piritu , east of venezuela , a colombian initiate decided to ask an old friend from maracaibo to come and assist with several video seminars being planned in the area 師父的教理在委內瑞拉廣受歡迎馬拉開波訊2002年11月,我們前往委內瑞拉東部的皮里土港puerto piritu進行電視弘法。

Another sister from lima , peru , who had kindly helped us with the seminars we had presented earlier in bogota , colombia , agreed to come and assist in maracaibo 另一位從秘魯利馬來的師姊也欣然與我們同行,這位師姊之前曾熱心協助我們在哥倫比亞波哥大的弘法活動。

The friend was so touched by master s love during the seminars that she asked if we would travel to maracaibo to spread master s teachings there 期間,師父的愛力讓這位朋友深受感動,因此她邀請我們到她所住的城市去傳播師父的教理。