
manta n.1.粗布,粗棉織品,粗布圍巾,粗皮披肩。2.馬毯,馬...


Glide side - by - side with a graceful giant manta ray as it arches and swoops through water sparkling under the hot baja california sun . witness the pageant of migrating whales , the elaborate tango of courting terns as well as the battles of lumbering elephant seals . fly over sweeping vistas of snow - capped mountains , vast deserts , palm oases , and mangrove swamps - then plunge into astonishing underwater sequences of rarely seen marine life 在片中,觀眾可以與魔鬼魚一同在海中暢泳,或者觀賞巨鯨遷徙的浩蕩場面海燕的美妙探戈舞姿和笨重海象為爭風呷醋的連場戰役繼而飛越雪山橫過無際的沙漠穿梭婆娑棕樹綠洲和大片紅樹林最后潛入海底,探視水底鮮為人知的海洋世界。

Otherwise known as costa rica s cocos island , this underwater mountain - an island of the sharks - is a migratory gathering place for a dazzling array of sea creatures including sharks , manta rays , sea turtles and dolphins 因為這里是不少海洋生物的棲息地,充斥著鯊魚、魔鬼魚、海龜和海豚,這里可能是全球鯊魚聚居密度最高的海域,故又稱為鯊魚島。

Otherwise known as costa rica s cocos island , this underwater mountain - an island of the sharks - is a migratory gathering place for a dazzling array of sea creatures including sharks , manta rays , sea turtles and dolphins 因為這里是不少海洋生物的棲息地,充斥著鯊魚魔鬼魚海和海豚,這里可能是全球鯊魚聚居密度最高的海域,故又稱為鯊魚島。

Conservationists describe the coral sea as “ a stunning blue - water highway , full of oceanic predators . “ it is a haven for hammerhead and white tip sharks , as well as manta rays 環保主義者將珊瑚海稱作“一令人驚訝的,滿是海洋食肉動物的深海大道” 。它是雙髻鯊、白鰭鯊以及鰩魚的樂土。

At the bottom of the bay , in the sandy area , occasionally , huge manta rays , and often , leopard rays are seen resting on the sandy flats 在海灣底部有沙的部分,有時你還會碰到在沙地上休息的大蝠鲼鰩和豹斑鰩,在這我們見過成群的圣海倫海? ,數量可達上千只。

The more adventurous may cast their eyes over the cone shells , the manta shrimp , sea snails and the prized , but prohibitively expensive , abalone 不單如此,您還可吃到獨特的雞心螺海螺和魔鬼魚,還有象徵富貴的鮑魚。

As a celebration , the people of the manta ethnic group will hang a string of red lanterns in the courtyard 滿族人家,在院子里豎起高高的燈籠桿,一串紅燈,在雪的映襯下分外耀眼。

Bottoming out near heron island , a manta ray can hit much higher altitudes too 可以在鷺鷥島附近潛至最深處的鬼蝠? ,其實可以更上一層樓。

It ' s a haven for harmhiden hammerhead and white tip sharks , as well as manta rays 這里是槌頭雙髻鯊和白鯊以及蝠鲼的避難所

Manta leader to manta team , 曼塔隊長呼叫曼塔機組

It is a haven for hammerhead and white tip sharks , as well as manta rays 同時也是撞木鮫,吃人鯊和蝠?魚的天堂

Manta station , do you read me 曼塔基地,能收到我的信息嗎?

Manta leader to manta team , impact in ten seconds 曼塔隊長呼叫曼塔機組10秒后入水

Come in , manta station . do you read me 請求進入,曼塔基地你收到我的消息了嗎?

More and more of his friends had gone to see the great manta . 他的朋友中愈來愈多人去觀看大章魚。