
mann n.曼〔姓氏〕。

mann act

Five - year survival rates of children with all types of cancers have increased from 23 percent in the 1960s to 70 percent in the 1990s , according to a study by professor jill mann of the university of birmingham in england 一位英國研究人員周三表示,許多兒童正遭受癌癥的威脅,但是更多的兒童卻受到因為癌癥或者因為長達一年之久的癌癥治療后遺癥的折磨,這些兒童需要得到特別的護理。

Their children , anne alakina mann and nicholas james bentley , both suffer from a rare photosensitivity disease that renders them extremely vulnerable to sunlight , prompting grace s rule of having only one door open in the house at a time 某天,傭工突然神秘消失。然后,三個陌生人包括女管家男園丁和啞女傭突然出現求職,三人對大屋的一切出奇地熟悉。他們是什么人?

Another common tool used by the epd is the wilcoxon - mann - whitney test , which tracks significant differences in two sets of comparable data . this test is particularly useful for examining year - to - year changes in water monitoring results 另一種常用的統計分析方法是wilcoxon - mann - whitney測試,主要用于比較兩套數據間的差異,特別對測試水質的年與年之間的變化尤其有用。

Symposium on cluster computing and the grid ccgrid , tokyo , japan , may 12 - 15 , 2003 , pp . 198 - 205 . 14 chafle g , chandra s , mann v , nanda m g . decentralized orchestration of composite web services . in proc 該模型的核心思想是將本地資源和遠程資源共同納入可用資源范疇,將應用執行的核心控制組件部署在客戶端,根據用戶的個性化需求動態構造問題求解環境。

For the answer , it is best to consult two washington veterans , tom mann of the brookings institution and norman ornstein of the american enterprise institute , who can claim 72 years of congress - watching between them 想知道答案,最好請教兩個華盛頓老兵,布魯克林協會的湯姆?曼恩和美國企業協會的諾曼?奧斯丁,他們觀察國會的時間達到了72年。

The chief benefit of this approach is that arango ' s and mann ' s groups can perform several different biochemical tests on the same brain slice and know the exact anatomical locations of the variations they find 這種做法主要的好處,在于艾蘭哥與曼恩的團隊可以在同一個腦切片上頭進行好幾種不同的生化檢測,并且掌握產生變化的確實解剖位置。

You will have fun for whole day . thereafter , our tour will go visit la downtown as well as hollywood blvd . , beverly hills , mann s chinese theater and the celebration of oscar award 接著游覽好萊塢大道,參觀中國戲院,在那里您可以與喜歡的超級巨星的手腳印合影留念,然后經由日落大道比華利山莊,參觀奧斯卡金像獎典禮會場music center 。

Although most developers use facelets with xhtml , the framework is actually markup agnostic : it s compatible with xul xulfaces and kito mann has used it to render the rss feeds for jsf central 雖然多數開發人員把facelets用于xhtml ,實際上這個框架并不在意使用什么標記:它與xul ( xulfaces )兼容, kito mann已經用它為jsf中心提供rss 。

Visiting the biggest city in california , including fascinating architecture and historical landmarks of downtown as well as hollywood blvd . , beverly hills , mann s chinese theater , observatory , etc 本日專車由拉斯維加斯,到達加州第一大都市洛杉磯,作市區游覽,包括有好萊塢大道中國戲院比華利山莊音樂中心星光大道天文臺等地。

The most challenging aspect today , mann thinks , is predicting regional disruptions , because people are unlikely to take climate change seriously until they see how it operates in their backyard 曼恩認為,目前最具挑戰性的議題,是預測區域擾動,因為人們在親眼看見氣候變遷如何影響自家后院之前,不會認真看待這個議題。

This film won the 2005 faif los angeles film festival audience awards for best short film and best film of festival , and sold out three screenings at the world famous mann s chinese theater in hollywood 該片贏得2005年faif洛杉磯電影節最佳短片及最佳電影獎。他的演藝事業漸入佳境,在各大電視臺頻道時常能看到他身影。

Robert mann , an airline industry analyst , says airlines drove passengers to the train by reducing the number of seats available for shorter trips and raising the “ walk - up price “ of tickets on their shuttles 一位航空工業分析家說,各航線由于在他們的班機上減少短途旅客座位和提高叫醒服務費導致了一部分旅客流向鐵路。

The pushihe river , in kuandian mann ( a minority in the northeast china ) autonomous county of liaoning province , is a tributary of the yalu river , which is the boundary river of china and dprk 蒲石河抽水蓄能電站位于遼寧省寬甸滿族自治縣境內鴨綠江支流蒲石河上,是東北地區擬建的第一座大型抽水蓄能電站。

Susan bloch , a whitehead mann partner and author of the report , “ what makes an exceptional non - executive director ? ” , says it was useful to investigate both good and bad traits “董事會里包括一名非常討厭的非執行董事,此事幾乎人人都曾體驗過, ”她說。 “這可以幫助董事會其他成員學會什么事情不該做。 ”

In discussing the issue with his students over their coronas , mann notes that comparisons with the paleoclimatic record seem to confirm a mechanism proposed by other researchers 與手持可樂娜啤酒的學生們討論這個主題時,曼恩注意到,比較古氣候記錄,似乎能夠證實其他研究者提出的機制。

Using ishikawa and mann iterative sequences to converge nonlinear function ' s fixed point is applied widely in physics . some conceptions of operator are introduced in this artide =用ishikawa與mann序列去逼近非線性方程的不動點,在物理學中有廣泛的應用

Mann is most famously known for the “ hockey stick , ” a plot of the past millennium ' s temperature that shows the drastic influence of humans in the 20th century 曼恩以曲棍球桿圖知名,這是一種繪制上個千禧溫度的曲線圖,可看出人類在20世紀對溫度的劇烈影響。

Leon mann documented this several years ago when , as a harvard professor , he studied the long overnight queues for tickets to ball games in his native australia 那時他是一個哈佛教授,他在他的出生地澳大利亞研究了為了看球買票的通宵長隊。

Tanner mann , 8 , of hortonville , wis . , gets a good seat on top of his mother ' s car july 4 for the fireworks show at riverside park in new london 7月4日,威爾斯在他媽媽的車頂上找到了一個好位子,觀賞著紐約倫敦河畔公園的煙火盛況。